{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (339 matches)

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Results (301 - 339 of 339)

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RoarAudio major release 1.0 (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#194 roard does not honor mute flag on output streams roard closed fixed 1.0beta0 defect major ph3-der-loewe 02/20/12
#192 Typo "possition" RoarAudio Main Package closed fixed 1.0beta0 task trivial 02/20/12
#127 VIO/DSTR should support VIOs using reference counter libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 enhancement wishlist ph3-der-loewe 01/17/12
#130 Remove legacy functions and vars libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 task medium ph3-der-loewe 12/23/11
#187 socket.[ch] should be rewritten completly libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 task medium ph3-der-loewe 12/23/11
#126 libroar's memory buffer API should fully use a reference counter libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 enhancement major ph3-der-loewe 12/11/11
#188 connection object needs to be upgraded libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 task medium ph3-der-loewe 11/25/11
#129 convert message (protocol) rutunes to use roar_mm_*() libroar and friends closed fixed current task major ph3-der-loewe 11/24/11
#134 convert hash API to use >= 32 bit int for hashtypes libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 defect medium 11/22/11
#133 Type changes for VIO API libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 defect medium 11/22/11
#135 VIO's _nonblock() should be merged into _ctl() libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 task medium ph3-der-loewe 11/20/11
#190 libroar's dynamic library loader needs updates libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 enhancement wishlist ph3-der-loewe 11/19/11
#128 convert roarstack to use roar_mm_*() by default libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 task medium 11/17/11
#185 Add const to return value of roar_cdromdevice() libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 defect trivial 11/17/11
#186 roar_file_play() and roar_file_play_full() should be rewritten or removed libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 enhancement medium 11/12/11
#189 struct roar_audio_info needs to be updated RoarAudio Main Package closed fixed 1.0beta0 defect major ph3-der-loewe 11/12/11
#191 codecfilter_vorbis.c:58 sets errno to zero roard closed fixed 1.0beta0 defect minor ph3-der-loewe 11/12/11
#184 replace roar_err_buildmsg() and roar_err_parsemsg() libroar and friends closed fixed 1.0beta0 task medium 11/12/11
#233 Port roard to uniraum roard assigned current enhancement minor ph3-der-loewe 11/20/13

RoarAudio major release 1.1 (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#50 Add support for HashTables RoarAudio Main Package new current enhancement medium 08/18/12
#138 roarfilt(1) should be converted to VS API libroar and friends new current task medium 10/31/13
#174 bash_completion needs to match package Plugins and Applications new current task medium themaister 10/31/13
#205 Remove legacy functions and vars RoarAudio Main Package new current task medium 06/14/12
#229 roar_vio_write() should take a const buffer pointer libroar and friends new current task medium 05/04/12
#366 Removal of OpenSSL support libroar and friends new current task medium 01/03/14
#181 Meta data of type Other not fully supported RoarAudio Main Package new current defect minor 09/12/12
#208 connection object needs to be upgraded libroar and friends new current enhancement minor 05/05/12
#228 libroar's error state should be abled to store host application's error values as well libroar and friends new current enhancement wishlist 05/04/12
#231 ROAR_DL_FN_MAX should be increased libroar and friends new current task wishlist 05/04/12
#234 struct roar_dl_librarypara should be updated libroar and friends new current enhancement wishlist 05/06/12
#272 structures should be moved from include/roaraudio/ to include/libroar*/ RoarAudio Main Package new current task wishlist 07/15/12
#273 Structure struct roar_stream needs cleanup RoarAudio Main Package new current task wishlist 08/06/12
#280 Enable Memory manager by default RoarAudio Main Package new current task wishlist 07/29/12
#287 struct roar_message needs to be re-ordered libroar and friends new current enhancement wishlist 07/31/12
#296 Fix stdvios access and re-enable RTLD_DEEPBIND in roardl. libroar and friends assigned current task medium ph3-der-loewe 01/06/13

SEEK support (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#7 Need to implement buffer VIO libroar and friends new current task major 06/05/12
#8 Implement SEEK command in roard roard new current task major ph3-der-loewe 07/22/11
#10 Add support to pass VIOs over socket (for PASSFH) RoarAudio Main Package new current enhancement major 06/05/12
#297 A simple seek command should be specified RoarAudio Protocol new current enhancement wishlist 08/11/12
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