Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 257)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#232 fixed libroar should provide SHA1 support ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

libroar's crypto layer should provide a SHA1 implementation.

#230 fixed libroar should provide a simple UUID interface ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

rpld uses UUIDs. It currently use the package from ext2tools. This is not available on all operating systems. libroar should provide a simple interface to avoid this problem.

The following functions are currently in use by rpld:

      1 uuid_clear
      1 uuid_compare
      1 uuid_generate_random
      3 uuid_copy
      5 uuid_parse
      9 uuid_unparse

(numbers are counter of usage.)

#227 fixed rpld should be abled to list connected clients ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

rpld should be abled to list all connected clients.

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