Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 257)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#260 fixed It should be possible to start up with no queues connected ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

It should be possible to start rpld with no queues connected to any servers. This would be helpful for testing and debugging.

The normal initial playlist structure should still be created.

#259 fixed Adding queue to "Main Queue" should be delayed untill server addess was set (--server) ph3-der-loewe

Adding of the queue to the "Main Queue" playlist is currently done before the command lion arguments are read. This should be delayed to after the arguments have been read. Yet it is important to do this before restore() is called as it would overwrite restored data or fail.

#258 fixed Protocol plugins should be renamed, prefixed with "protocol-" themaister ph3-der-loewe

All protocol plugins should have the name be prefixed with "protocol-". The Name of the plugin should correspond to the name of the protocol so an application is abled to locate a plugin for a given protocol by using "protocol-$protoname" as plugin name. The name should be what roar_proto2str(ROAR_PROTO_*) returns.

There may be legitimate exceptions, e.g. for ROAR_PROTO_GAME which represents a collections of protocols.

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