Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 257)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#177 fixed roard crashes when playing flac files ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

roard crashes when playing flac files. this does not go away with -B 16 and does not happen to other cf's.

here is a backtrace:

==16848== Invalid read of size 4 ==16848== at 0x43A2C3A: roar_buffer_ring_stats (buffer.c:63) ==16848== by 0x8073393: cf_flac_read (codecfilter_flac.c:274) ==16848== by 0x80623A1: streams_check (streams.c:2289) ==16848== by 0x805E691: clients_check_all (clients.c:477) ==16848== by 0x805D13E: main_loop (loop.c:82) ==16848== by 0x8057E44: main (roard.c:2562) ==16848== Address 0xC is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd

#182 fixed rpld needs to be ported to libroar2 (v. 1.0*) ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

rpld needs to be ported to libroar2 as soon as it is released. currently gcc reports some warnings about API usage. They are good hints what need to be ported. They can be ignored for the 0.4* versions of libroar (libroar1).

#183 fixed Debian init script needs updates ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

The Debian init script should be checked to use a right (good) order of arguments to roard. currently it generates stuff like '--sock /tmp/roar -u' which should be '-u --sock /tmp/roar'.

In addition it doesn't provide the 'status' command.

Maybe it should be re-written completely for 1.0*.

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