Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 257)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#94 fixed configure script ignores CFLAGS and LDFLAGS ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

configure script ignores CFLAGS and LDFLAGS set in caller env. This is bad as it may be needed in specal situations and for porting.

#95 fixed roarfish subdirectory ignores build system settings ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

The Makefile in roarfish subdirectory ignores build parameters from build system. It does not include the config file nor any other. This affects library linkage information as well as stuff like CC, CFLAGS, LDFLAGS,...

#96 fixed roar_vs_iterate() should return -1 on a nonblocking iterate if it fails to write. themaister themaister

Basically what the title says. If roar_vs_iterate() fails to write anything when not blocking, it should return -1 with error set accordingly.

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