Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#105 Specs for Tantalos should be written and collected in RoarAudio Standards format shogsbro, ph3-der-loewe, themaister new task critical
#106 Need to find a working and good license for Standards shogsbro, ph3-der-loewe, themaister, the-me, AniX72 new task blocker
#308 there should be a package for rpld on archlinux maister@… new task medium
#342 An archlinux test VM should be added to help the hackers porting stephanj, maister new stephanj enhancement wishlist
#76 MPlayer plugin should be re-written maister@… assigned themaister task major
#78 A VLC plugin should be written maister@… assigned themaister enhancement medium
#252 The RoarAudio project needs a Freedom Policy stephanj, themaister, the-me accepted ph3-der-loewe defect critical
#253 The RoarAudio Project needs a defined structure stephanj, themaister, the-me accepted ph3-der-loewe defect critical
#254 Naming Ideas RoarAudio Project stephanj, themaister, the-me accepted ph3-der-loewe defect blocker
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