Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#233 Port roard to uniraum ph3-der-loewe enhancement minor current

Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#275 roard should auto load plugins for missing protocols ph3-der-loewe enhancement wishlist 1.0beta4 fixed
#277 roard sched support for plugins should be removed ph3-der-loewe task wishlist 1.0beta6 fixed
#291 A watchdog like feature should be added ph3-der-loewe enhancement wishlist 1.0beta5 fixed
#311 protocol support should be moved into plugins ph3-der-loewe enhancement wishlist 1.0beta8 fixed
#191 codecfilter_vorbis.c:58 sets errno to zero ph3-der-loewe defect minor 1.0beta0 fixed
#244 roard specific FN regs should check host appname/version ph3-der-loewe enhancement minor current wontfix
#269 roard fails to compile with MinGW due to non supported -rdynamic option ph3-der-loewe defect medium 1.0beta4 fixed
#278 roard's protocol support should be removed from plugin interface ph3-der-loewe task medium 1.0beta6 fixed
#340 Default to 16bits in roard on win* ph3-der-loewe enhancement medium 1.0beta9 fixed
#194 roard does not honor mute flag on output streams ph3-der-loewe defect major 1.0beta0 fixed
#193 Possible endless loop in MIDI clock ph3-der-loewe defect critical 1.0beta0 fixed
#306 Deadlock between roard and FLAC playing client should be avoided ph3-der-loewe defect critical current worksforme
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