Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#48 Start up in 32 bit mode if all backends support 32 bit mode ph3-der-loewe enhancement medium 0.4rc0 14 years
#49 Support stream role based case handling ph3-der-loewe enhancement medium 0.4beta6 14 years
#104 minimal build not really minimal ph3-der-loewe defect medium 0.4beta4 14 years
#122 The driver options -d* should be removed from roard ph3-der-loewe task medium 0.4beta5 13 years
#30 roard should auto select a sync stream if no sync stream is given ph3-der-loewe defect major 0.4beta5 14 years
#33 Support portaudio v. 0.19 ph3-der-loewe enhancement major 0.4beta5 14 years
#136 update all drivers to correctly support _nonblock() ph3-der-loewe defect critical 0.4beta7 13 years
#137 midi_conv_midi2mes() needs to be re-written ph3-der-loewe defect critical 0.4rc0 13 years
#177 roard crashes when playing flac files ph3-der-loewe defect critical 0.4 13 years

Resolution: worksforme (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#61 Need to test libFLAC version and use API depending on version ph3-der-loewe defect major 14 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.