Custom Query (257 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#306 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe worksforme Deadlock between roard and FLAC playing client should be avoided

Sometimes when a client plays a flac file roard gets into a deadlock because the client waits for roard to answer to some request while roard waits for the client on the data channel.

This seems to be this way because libFLAC seems not to support EAGAIN like events.

This should maybe be fixed in libFLAC.

#310 ph3-der-loewe fixed Memory leak in hash framework

The hash framework leaks memory. This also affects the random number generator The internal state of the hashing functions are leaked (after clearing it).

This likely happened in libroar/hash.c rev 1.20, commit ifmvqXqYuYHj9o8w. Affected versions are: 1.0beta3-pr0 till trunk.

This mostly affects roard when using -s radionoise as well as rpld because it uses the RNG a lot.

#346 ph3-der-loewe fixed complib symlinks point to $DESTDIR/...

The complib symlinks are created in a way that the path is absolute and points to within $DESTDIR. This was part of a win32 patch and should be undone. A new solution for win32 needs to be found.

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