Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#99 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed roar_vs_position() and roar_vs_latency() should support non-symbolic backends

roar_vs_position() and roar_vs_latency() should support non-symbolic backends.

as roar_vs_latency() does only call roar_vs_position() and does not use the backend parameter for anything else only roar_vs_position() needs to be patched.

#101 ph3-der-loewe fixed roarshout(1) should be abled to read password from file/stdin (DSTR)

roarshout(1) should be abled to read password from file or stdin using DSTR. This can be used so password is not leaking on process table can will be useful for any kind of GUI.

#104 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed minimal build not really minimal

The minimal build does not really build a minimal roard.

At least the following stuff is still build but not a essential core functionality:

  • Protocol support for RPlay,
  • Codecfilter for AU,
  • Support for hardware mixers.
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