Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#51 ph3-der-loewe fixed Functions for parsing of symbolic names of stream parameters should be added

There should be some functions added to parse symbolic names of stream parameters like number of channels, bits per sample and sample rate. (codec name lookups are already supported).

Those functions should first try to match a list of common names like for example 'mono', then try the audio profiles and finally fall back to atoi() or something like this.

#56 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed roarmonhttp/print_header() should use roar_codec2mime()

roarmonhttp currently uses it's own function for codec<->mime handling. This should be changed and libroar's functions should be used.

#70 the-me fixed init script should not kill not existent process

On Debian, the init script calls "kill cat, if it is called twice, the pid file does not exist - as long as the rpld process, and it will print a big bold usage message of kill.

kill should be only called, if the pidfile exists and the value is not empty.

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