Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#22 ph3-der-loewe fixed Support for Volume Control

µRoarD currently do not implement volume control. This feature is essential for a large amount of applications and should be added.

#23 stephanj shogsbro fixed XMLRPC interface authentication blocked by Apache

It seems Apache2 is blocking the HTTP authentication required for the Trac XMLRPC plugin.

The HttpAuth plugin manages the paths that should raise HTTP authentication challenge required to support authenticated access via the RPC interface. It seems Apache2 does not pass on the authentication headers of the request to the FCGI app.

#25 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed Implement SINGLE_SINK Flag

The single_sink flag allows any stream connected to the mixer to tell the mixer they require the mixer to only output to a single sink. This disables TRHU and MONITOR streams and limits OUTPUT streams to exactly one.

This is considered weak DRM.

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