Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#279 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed muroar_connect() allows connection to ~/.roar when $HOME is not set correctly

muroar_connect() allows to connect to ~/.roar even when $HOME is not set correctly.

The following errors are in the code:

  • A heading slash is enforced
  • When $HOME is not set it tries to connect to "/(null)/.roar"
  • When $HOME is too long to fit into the buffer it is truncated. This results in a security problem because an attacker may alter $HOME in a way letting µRoar connect to an existing server. This is mostly important for restricted environments like sudo, su, ssh when parts of the env is passed while other is rejected.
  • May connect to "/invalid" if snprintf() fails (very unlikely).

Some notes:

  • It supported to set the server via $ROAR_SERVER. This does not conflict with the statement above as it may be one of those rejected env variables.
  • No buffer overflow was found allowing remote code or data injection. This is why I set it only to "major" not "critical".
#288 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed Tarball contains changed filenames

The roard plugins for protocols have been renamed in 1.0beta4. Somehow this rename has been propagated into the tarball for 1.0beta3. The files should be changed back to the original names and the tarball re-uploaded.

#294 ph3-der-loewe fixed SavannahIce doesn't do context switching in CPI as expected

SavannahIce? currently doesn't do context switching in CPI support. This will expose context of application or other plugins to the CPI handling plugin.

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