Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#90 themaister ph3-der-loewe fixed Some functions does not set error var correctly

Some of the functions in VS API do not set error var to correct value on error (return of -1 in most cases).

This should be corrected soon.

#91 ph3-der-loewe fixed There should be a general puose ring buffer implementation

There should be a general purpose ring buffer implementation in libroar. This should be based on buffer objects. It is required by VS API for buffer mode as it blocks #2.

#103 ph3-der-loewe fixed roarvorbis uses FILE* for input but should use VIO

roarvorbis currently uses FILE* for input. It should use VIO.

Currently fopen() and popen() is used but only fclose() not pclose() which may result in segfault or similar on some systems. This happens only in terminating phase of the progress.

popen() is used to open wget(1) for HTTP support. DSTR should be used.

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