Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#89 ph3-der-loewe themaister invalid RoarAudio fails to compile on Mac OSX

I've tested building latest RoarAudio on a recent OSX install. Linking errors. I've attached relevant build logs:

#92 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed A RoarAudio plugin should be created for cmus

A plugin should be written for cmus to make it possible to directly send data from cmus to RoarAudio.

#94 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed configure script ignores CFLAGS and LDFLAGS

configure script ignores CFLAGS and LDFLAGS set in caller env. This is bad as it may be needed in specal situations and for porting.

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