Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#81 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed libao plugin should use id/dev config parameter to select mixer

The libao plugin should use the id/dev config parameter as used by quite some drivers to select the mixer.

#83 themaister fixed dir2vclt doesn't force absolute paths in output.

Considering that rpld needs absolute paths for its operation dir2vctl should be able to output absolute paths for little hassle.


AUDIOINFO=rate:44100Hz channles:2 LENGTH=00:02:38.453844 FILENAME=Wintersun/01-Beyond The Dark Sun.mp3 == FILENAME should be made absolute, or at least an option for it.

#85 themaister fixed rpldgui throws unhandled exception

When having elements in Main Queue, double clicking on an element and trying to right click + Play Now that same element afterwards causes this exception:

* unhandled exception in callback: * variable not allowed to be undef where GtkTreeIter? is wanted at /tmp/rpld-gui-current-000/libApp/RPLD/GUI/ line 856, <GEN4> lie 10647. * ignoring at /tmp/rpld-gui-current-000/libApp/RPLD/GUI/ line 541, <GEN4> line 10647.

The element in question will not be played back.

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