.\" roard.1: .TH "ROARD" "1" "July 2008" "RoarAudio" "System Manager's Manual: roard" .SH NAME roard \- RoarAudio sound server .SH SYNOPSIS \fBroard\fR [OPTIONS]... .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBroard\fR is the RoarAudio central daemon. It mixes up diffrent audio streams from it's clients to send them as a single stream to the soundcard. .SH "GENERAL OPTIONS" \fBNOTE: This list is incomplete!\fR .TP \fB--help\fR Print some help text. .TP \fB--daemon\fR Go into background after startup. .TP \fB--realtime\fR Ask for higher priority. May be used multiple times. .TP \fB--chroot DIR\fR Chroots to the given directory. This improves the security. This normally needs root privileg's. .SH "USER AND GROUPS" .TP \fB--setgid\fR Sets GroupID to the audio group as specified via \fB-G\fR. .TP \fB--setuid\fR Sets UserID to the audio user as specified via \fB-U\fR. .TP \fB-G GROUP\fR Sets the group for the UNIX Domain Socket, (default: audio) You need the permittions to change the GID. .TP \fB-U USER\fR Sets the user for the UNIX Domain Socket, (default: do not set) You need the permittions to change the UID (normaly only root has). .SH "AUDIO OPTIONS" .TP \fB--rate RATE\fR, \fB-R RATE\fR Set server sample rate. .TP \fB--bits BITS\fR, \fB-B BITS\fR Set server bits. .TP \fB--chans CHANNELS\fR, \fB-C CHANNELS\fR Set server channels. .SH "DRIVER OPTIONS" .TP \fB--list-driver\fR Shows a list of all available drivers. .TP \fB--driver\fR, \fB-d\fR .\"Set the output driver. To get a list of all drivers use \fB--list-driver\fR. This option is obsolete. Use \fB-o\fR instead. .TP \fB--device\fR, \fB-D\fR .\"Set the device for the output driver. Possible devices depends on the driver. .\"They may be a path to a device node or a hostname. .\"Use \fB--list-driver\fR to get a hint. .\"This option will obsolete soon. This option is obsolete. Use \fB-O\fR instead. .TP \fB--odriver\fR, \fB-o\fR Set the output driver. To get a list of all drivers use \fB--list-driver\fR. .TP \fB--odevice\fR, \fB-O\fR Set the device for the output driver. Possible devices depends on the driver. They may be a path to a device node or a hostname. Use \fB--list-driver\fR to get a hint. .TP \fB-oO\fR Sets options for the new stream. See STREAM OPTIONS. .TP \fB-oN\fR Adds another output. .TP \fB-oP\fR Marks the output primary. .SH "SOURCE OPTIONS" .TP \fB--source\fR, \fB-s\fR Adds a source of the given type. .TP \fB-S\fR Sets the device or filename for the source. Type may depend on the source type. .TP \fB-sO\fR Sets options for the current source. .TP \fB-sN\fR Adds another source. .TP \fB-sP\fR Marks the source as primary. If the source reaches EOF roard will quit automatically. .SH "NETWORK OPTIONS" .TP \fB--tcp\fR, \fB-t\fR Sets defaults for TCP/IP Socket. .TP \fB--unix\fR, \fB-u\fR Sets defaults for UNIX Domain Socket. .TP \fB--decnet\fR, \fB-n\fR Sets defaults for DECnet Socket. .TP \fB--port\fR, \fB-p\fR Sets the port the server should listen on. .TP \fB--bind\fR, \fB-b\fR, \fB--sock\fR Sets the hostname or path the server should listen on. .TP \fB--no-listen\fR Do not listen for new clients (only usefull for relaing, impleys --terminate). .TP \fB--client-fh FH\fR Expects a client on the given FH. This may be useful with \fB--no-listen\fR. .TP \fB--close-fh FH\fR Close the given FH. This is not useful for endusers but used internaly. .SH "STREAM OPTIONS" .TP \fBrate\fR Sets the sample rate. .TP \fBchannels\fR Sets the number of channels. .TP \fBbits\fR Sets the number of bits per sample. .TP \fBcodec\fR Sets the codec. .TP \fBblocks\fR Sets the number of memory blocks that sould be used by the devices. Most devices only support a few values or don't support this option at all. If this option or the specifyed value is not supported by the device this is not handled as fatal error. .TP \fBmeta\fR Sets the meta flag. .TP \fBsync\fR Sets the sync flag. .TP \fBprimary\fR Marks this stream as primary. .TP \fBcleanmeta\fR Sets the cleanmeta flag. .TP \fBautoconf\fR Sets the autoconf flag. This flag is not supported by all drivers. If the flag is set and the devices does not support this there is no fatal error if the device could be opend with defaults. .TP Example: rate=44100,bits=16,channels=2,codec=pcm,sync .SH "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" .TP \fBHOME\fR The users home directory. .TP \fBROAR_SERVER\fR The address of the listening server. This may be in form of host:port for TCP/IP connections and /path/to/sock for UNIX Domain Sockets. .TP \fBROAR_DRIVER\fR The driver to select. Same as \fB-d\fR. .TP \fBROAR_DEVICE\fR The device to select. Same as \fB-D\fR. .SH "BUGS" There are lots of bugs... .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBroar-config\fR(1), \fBroarcat\fR(1), \fBroarcat2sock\fR(1), \fBroarcatad\fR(1), \fBroarctl\fR(1), \fBroarfilt\fR(1), \fBroarfish\fR(1), \fBroarmon\fR(1), \fBroarsockconnect\fR(1), \fBroartypes\fR(1), \fBroarvorbis\fR(1), \fBRoarAudio\fR(7). .SH "HISTORY" For history information see \fBRoarAudio\fR(7). .\" ll