//sources.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2008 * * This file is part of roard a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * RoarAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "roard.h" struct roar_source g_source[] = { {"raw", "Raw source", "/some/file", SRC_FLAG_FHSEC, ROAR_SUBSYS_WAVEFORM, NULL, sources_add_raw}, #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_IO_POSIX {"wav", "Old RIFF/WAVE source", "/some/file.wav", SRC_FLAG_NONE, ROAR_SUBSYS_WAVEFORM, sources_add_wav, NULL}, #endif {"cf", "Old CF source", "/some/file.ext", SRC_FLAG_NONE, ROAR_SUBSYS_WAVEFORM, sources_add_cf, NULL}, {"roar", "Old simple RoarAudio source", "some.host", SRC_FLAG_NONE, ROAR_SUBSYS_WAVEFORM, sources_add_roar, NULL}, {"oss", "OSS CDriver", "/dev/audio", SRC_FLAG_NONE, ROAR_SUBSYS_WAVEFORM, NULL, sources_add_cdriver}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, SRC_FLAG_NONE, 0, NULL, NULL} // EOL }; int sources_init (void) { g_source_client = -1; return 0; } void print_sourcelist (void) { int i; char subsys[7] = " "; printf(" Source Flag Subsys - Description (devices)\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i = 0; g_source[i].name != NULL; i++) { strncpy(subsys, " ", 6); if ( g_source[i].subsystems & ROAR_SUBSYS_WAVEFORM ) subsys[0] = 'W'; if ( g_source[i].subsystems & ROAR_SUBSYS_MIDI ) subsys[1] = 'M'; if ( g_source[i].subsystems & ROAR_SUBSYS_CB ) subsys[2] = 'C'; if ( g_source[i].subsystems & ROAR_SUBSYS_LIGHT ) subsys[3] = 'L'; if ( g_source[i].subsystems & ROAR_SUBSYS_RAW ) subsys[4] = 'R'; printf(" %-9s %c%c%c %6s - %s (devices: %s)\n", g_source[i].name, g_source[i].flags & SRC_FLAG_FHSEC ? 's' : ' ', g_source[i].old_open != NULL ? 'S' : ' ', g_source[i].new_open != NULL ? 'N' : ' ', subsys, g_source[i].desc, g_source[i].devices); } } int sources_set_client (int client) { if ( client >= 0 ) { g_source_client = client; return 0; } else { return -1; } } int sources_free (void) { return 0; } int sources_add (char * driver, char * device, char * container, char * options, int primary) { int i; for (i = 0; g_source[i].name != NULL; i++) { if ( !strcmp(g_source[i].name, driver) ) { if ( g_source[i].new_open != NULL ) { return sources_add_new(&(g_source[i]), driver, device, container, options, primary); } else if ( g_source[i].old_open != NULL ) { return g_source[i].old_open(driver, device, container, options, primary); } else { ROAR_ERR("sources_add(driver='%s', ...): Found source but did not find any open rutine", driver); return -1; } } } ROAR_ERR("sources_add(driver='%s', ...): Source not found", driver); return -1; } int sources_add_new (struct roar_source * source, char * driver, char * device, char * container, char * options, int primary) { int stream; int fh = -1; struct roar_stream * s; struct roar_stream_server * ss; char * k, * v; int error = 0; int f_sync = 0, f_mmap = 0; int codec; if ( source == NULL ) return -1; if ( (stream = streams_new()) == -1 ) { return -1; } streams_get(stream, &ss); s = ROAR_STREAM(ss); memcpy(&(s->info), g_sa, sizeof(struct roar_audio_info)); codec = s->info.codec; if ( streams_set_dir(stream, ROAR_DIR_PLAY, 1) == -1 ) { streams_delete(stream); return -1; } s->pos_rel_id = -1; k = strtok(options, ","); while (k != NULL) { if ( (v = strstr(k, "=")) != NULL ) { *v++ = 0; } if ( strcmp(k, "rate") == 0 ) { s->info.rate = atoi(v); } else if ( strcmp(k, "channels") == 0 ) { s->info.channels = atoi(v); } else if ( strcmp(k, "bits") == 0 ) { s->info.bits = atoi(v); } else if ( strcmp(k, "codec") == 0 ) { if ( (codec = roar_str2codec(v)) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("sources_add_new(*): unknown codec '%s'", v); error++; } } else if ( strcmp(k, "name") == 0 ) { if ( streams_set_name(stream, v) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("add_output(*): Can not set Stream name"); error++; } } else if ( strcmp(k, "mmap") == 0 ) { f_mmap = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "sync") == 0 ) { f_sync = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "primary") == 0 ) { primary = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "meta") == 0 ) { streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_META); } else if ( strcmp(k, "cleanmeta") == 0 ) { streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_CLEANMETA); } else if ( strcmp(k, "autoconf") == 0 ) { streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_AUTOCONF); } else { ROAR_ERR("sources_add_new(*): unknown option '%s'", k); error++; } if ( error ) { streams_delete(stream); if ( primary ) alive = 0; return -1; } k = strtok(NULL, ","); } if ( primary ) streams_mark_primary(stream); streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SOURCE); client_stream_add(g_source_client, stream); if ( codec == ROAR_CODEC_ALAW || codec == ROAR_CODEC_MULAW ) s->info.bits = 8; // needed to open OSS driver, will be overriden by codecfilter s->info.codec = codec; ROAR_STREAM_SERVER(s)->codec_orgi = codec; if ( source->new_open(stream, device, fh, driver) == -1 ) { streams_delete(stream); return -1; } roar_vio_ctl(&(ss->vio), ROAR_VIO_CTL_SET_SSTREAMID, &stream); // ignore errors here roar_vio_ctl(&(ss->vio), ROAR_VIO_CTL_SET_SSTREAM, s); // ignore errors here if ( f_sync ) { streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SYNC); } else { streams_reset_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SYNC); } if ( f_mmap ) streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_MMAP); return 0; } int sources_add_raw (int stream , char * device, int fh, char * driver) { struct roar_stream_server * ss; if ( fh > -1 ) return streams_set_fh(stream, fh); streams_get(stream, &ss); if ( roar_vio_open_file(&(ss->vio), device, O_RDONLY, 0644) == -1 ) return -1; return streams_set_fh(stream, -2); } #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_IO_POSIX int sources_add_wav (char * driver, char * device, char * container, char * options, int primary) { int stream; int fh; char buf[44]; struct roar_stream * s; ROAR_WARN("sources_add_raw(*): The wav(e) source is obsolete, use source 'cf' (default)!"); if ( (fh = open(device, O_RDONLY, 0644)) == -1 ) { return -1; } if (read(fh, buf, 44) != 44) { close(fh); return -1; } if ( (stream = streams_new()) == -1 ) { close(fh); return -1; } streams_get(stream, (struct roar_stream_server **)&s); memcpy(&(s->info), g_sa, sizeof(struct roar_audio_info)); memcpy(&(s->info.rate ), buf+24, 4); memcpy(&(s->info.channels), buf+22, 2); memcpy(&(s->info.bits ), buf+34, 2); if ( streams_set_dir(stream, ROAR_DIR_PLAY, 1) == -1 ) { streams_delete(stream); close(fh); return -1; } s->pos_rel_id = -1; streams_set_fh(stream, fh); streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SOURCE); client_stream_add(g_source_client, stream); return 0; } #endif #define _ret(x) streams_delete(stream); return (x) int sources_add_cf (char * driver, char * device, char * container, char * options, int primary) { int stream; int codec; int len; char buf[64]; struct roar_stream * s; struct roar_vio_calls * vio; struct roar_vio_defaults def; if ( roar_vio_dstr_init_defaults(&def, ROAR_VIO_DEF_TYPE_NONE, O_RDONLY, 0644) == -1 ) return -1; if ( (stream = streams_new()) == -1 ) { return -1; } streams_get(stream, (struct roar_stream_server **)&s); memcpy(&(s->info), g_sa, sizeof(struct roar_audio_info)); if ( streams_set_dir(stream, ROAR_DIR_PLAY, 1) == -1 ) { streams_delete(stream); return -1; } s->pos_rel_id = -1; /* if ( (fh = open(device, O_RDONLY, 0644)) == -1 ) { return -1; } */ vio = &(ROAR_STREAM_SERVER(s)->vio); //if ( roar_vio_open_file(vio, device, O_RDONLY, 0644) == -1 ) { if ( roar_vio_open_dstr(vio, device, &def, 1) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } ROAR_DBG("sources_add_cf(*) = ?"); // TODO: finy out a better way of doing auto detetion without need for seek! if ( options == NULL ) { if ( (len = roar_vio_read(vio, buf, 64)) < 1 ) { _ret(-1); } if ( roar_vio_lseek(vio, -len, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t)-1 ) { _ret(-1); } if ( (codec = roar_file_codecdetect(buf, len)) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } } else { if ( !strncmp(options, "codec=", 6) ) options += 6; if ( (codec = roar_str2codec(options)) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } } s->info.codec = codec; ROAR_STREAM_SERVER(s)->codec_orgi = codec; ROAR_DBG("sources_add_cf(*) = ?"); streams_set_fh(stream, -2); ROAR_DBG("sources_add_cf(*) = ?"); streams_set_socktype(stream, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_FILE); if ( primary ) streams_mark_primary(stream); streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SOURCE); client_stream_add(g_source_client, stream); return 0; } #undef _ret int sources_add_roar (char * driver, char * device, char * container, char * options, int primary) { int stream; int fh; int codec = ROAR_CODEC_DEFAULT; struct roar_stream * s; if ( options != NULL && *options ) { if ( !strncmp(options, "codec=", 6) ) options += 6; if ( (codec = roar_str2codec(options)) == -1 ) { return -1; } } if ( (fh = roar_simple_monitor(g_sa->rate, g_sa->channels, g_sa->bits, codec, device, "roard")) == -1 ) { return -1; } if ( (stream = streams_new()) == -1 ) { close(fh); return -1; } streams_get(stream, (struct roar_stream_server **)&s); memcpy(&(s->info), g_sa, sizeof(struct roar_audio_info)); if ( streams_set_dir(stream, ROAR_DIR_PLAY, 1) == -1 ) { streams_delete(stream); close(fh); return -1; } s->pos_rel_id = -1; s->info.codec = codec; ROAR_STREAM_SERVER(s)->codec_orgi = codec; streams_set_fh(stream, fh); if ( primary ) streams_mark_primary(stream); streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SOURCE); client_stream_add(g_source_client, stream); return 0; } int sources_add_cdriver (int stream , char * device, int fh, char * driver) { int roar_cdriver_open(struct roar_vio_calls * calls, char * name, char * dev, struct roar_audio_info * info, int dir); struct roar_stream_server * ss; if ( fh > -1 ) return -1; streams_get(stream, &ss); if ( !strncmp(driver, "cdriver:", 8) ) driver += 8; if ( roar_cdriver_open(&(ss->vio), driver, device, &(ROAR_STREAM(ss)->info), ROAR_DIR_RECORD) == -1 ) return -1; return streams_set_fh(stream, -2); } //ll