//roard.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2008 * * This file is part of roard a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * RoarAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "roard.h" char * server = ROAR_DEFAULT_SOCK_GLOBAL; // global server address void usage (void) { printf("Usage: roard [OPTIONS]...\n\n"); printf("Misc Options:\n\n"); printf( " --daemon - Bring the server into background after init\n" " --terminate - Terminate after last client quited\n" " --restart - Trys to stop an old instance and start a new with new settings\n" " --realtime - Trys to get realtime priority,\n" " give multible times for being more realtime\n" " --chroot DIR - chroots to the given dir\n" " --setgid - GroupID to the audio group as specified via -G\n" " --setuid - UserID to the audio user as specified via -U\n" " --sysclocksync - calculate exact sample rate using the system clock\n" ); printf("\nAudio Options:\n\n"); printf( " -R --rate RATE - Set server rate\n" " -B --bits BITS - Set server bits\n" " -C --chans CHANNELS - Set server channels\n" ); printf("\nDriver Options:\n\n"); printf(" -d --driver DRV - Set the driver (default: %s)\n", ROAR_DRIVER_DEFAULT); printf(" -D --device DEV - Set the device\n"); printf(" -dO OPTS - Set output options\n"); printf(" --list-driver - List all drivers\n"); printf("\nOutput Options:\n\n"); printf(" -o --odriver DRV - Set the driver, use '--list-driver' to get a list\n"); printf(" -O --odevice DEV - Set the device\n"); printf(" -oO OPTS - Set output options\n"); printf(" -oN - Adds another output\n"); printf(" -oP - Mark output as primary\n"); printf("\nSource Options:\n\n"); printf(" -s --source DRV - Use DRV as input driver\n" " -S DEV - Use DEV as input device\n" " -sO OPTS - Use OPTS as input options\n" " -sP - Make souce as primary\n" ); printf("\nCodec Filter Options:\n\n"); printf(" --list-cf - List all codec filter\n" ); printf("\nServer Options:\n\n"); printf(" -t --tcp - Use TCP listen socket\n" " -u --unix - Use UNIX Domain listen socket (default)\n" #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBDNET " -n --decnet - use DECnet listen socket\n" #endif " -4 - Use IPv4 connections (implies -t)\n" #ifdef PF_INET6 " -6 - Use IPv6 connections (implies -t)\n" #endif #ifdef IPV6_ADDRFORM " -64 - Try to downgrade sockets from IPv6 into IPv4,\n" " this is normaly not usefull.\n" #endif " -p --port - TCP Port to bind to\n" " -b --bind - IP/Hostname to bind to\n" " --sock - Filename for UNIX Domain Socket\n" " -G GROUP - Sets the group for the UNIX Domain Socket, (default: %s)\n" " You need the permittions to change the GID\n" " -U USER - Sets the user for the UNIX Domain Socket, (default: do not set)\n" " You need the permittions to change the UID (normaly only root has)\n" " --no-listen - Do not listen for new clients\n" " (only usefull for relaing, impleys --terminate)\n" " --client-fh - Comunicate with a client over this handle\n" " (only usefull for relaing)\n" " --close-fh - Closes the given fh\n" " --standby - Start in standby state\n" " --auto-standby - Automatical goes into standby if there are no streams\n", ROAR_DEFAULT_SOCKGRP ); // printf("\n Options:\n\n"); printf("\n"); } int restart_server (char * server) { struct roar_connection con; if ( roar_connect(&con, server) == -1 ) { return -1; } if ( roar_terminate(&con, 1) == -1 ) { return -1; } return roar_disconnect(&con); } #define R_SETUID 1 #define R_SETGID 2 int add_output (char * drv, char * dev, char * opts, int prim, int count) { int stream; struct roar_stream * s; struct roar_stream_server * ss; char * k, * v; int codec; int sync = 0; ROAR_DBG("add_output(drv='%s', dev='%s', opts='%s') = ?", drv, dev, opts); if ( drv == NULL && count == 0 ) { drv = ROAR_DRIVER_DEFAULT; prim = 1; sync = 1; } if ( (stream = streams_new()) == -1 ) { ROAR_DBG("add_output(drv='%s', dev='%s', opts='%s') = -1", drv, dev, opts); if ( prim ) alive = 0; return -1; } streams_get(stream, &ss); s = ROAR_STREAM(ss); memcpy(&(s->info), g_sa, sizeof(struct roar_audio_info)); s->dir = ROAR_DIR_OUTPUT; s->pos_rel_id = -1; // s->info.codec = codec; codec = s->info.codec; k = strtok(opts, ","); while (k != NULL) { // ROAR_WARN("add_output(*): opts: %s", k); if ( (v = strstr(k, "=")) != NULL ) { *v++ = 0; } ROAR_DBG("add_output(*): opts: k='%s', v='%s'", k, v); if ( strcmp(k, "rate") == 0 ) { s->info.rate = atoi(v); } else if ( strcmp(k, "channels") == 0 ) { s->info.channels = atoi(v); } else if ( strcmp(k, "bits") == 0 ) { s->info.bits = atoi(v); } else if ( strcmp(k, "codec") == 0 ) { if ( (codec = roar_str2codec(v)) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("add_output(*): unknown codec '%s'", v); streams_delete(stream); if ( prim ) alive = 0; return -1; } } else if ( strcmp(k, "meta") == 0 ) { streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_META); } else if ( strcmp(k, "sync") == 0 ) { sync = 1; } else { ROAR_ERR("add_output(*): unknown option '%s'", k); streams_delete(stream); if ( prim ) alive = 0; return -1; } k = strtok(NULL, ","); } if ( codec == ROAR_CODEC_ALAW || codec == ROAR_CODEC_MULAW ) s->info.bits = 8; // needed to open OSS driver, will be overriden by codecfilter s->info.codec = codec; ROAR_STREAM_SERVER(s)->codec_orgi = codec; if ( driver_openvio(&(ss->vio), &(ss->driver_id), drv, dev, &(s->info), -1) == -1 ) { streams_delete(stream); ROAR_DBG("add_output(drv='%s', dev='%s', opts='%s') = -1", drv, dev, opts); if ( prim ) alive = 0; return -1; } ROAR_DBG("add_output(*): ss->driver_id=%i", ss->driver_id); streams_set_fh(stream, -1); // update some internal structures client_stream_add(g_source_client, stream); if ( prim ) { streams_mark_primary(stream); s->pos_rel_id = stream; } if ( sync ) { streams_set_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SYNC); } else { streams_reset_flag(stream, ROAR_FLAG_SYNC); } return 0; } int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { int i; char * k; char user_sock[80] = {0}; struct roar_audio_info sa; int daemon = 0; int realtime = 0; int sysclocksync = 0; char * driver = getenv("ROAR_DRIVER"); char * device = getenv("ROAR_DEVICE"); char * opts = NULL; // char * server = ROAR_DEFAULT_SOCK_GLOBAL; int port = ROAR_DEFAULT_PORT; int drvid; char * s_drv = "cf"; char * s_dev = NULL; char * s_con = NULL; char * s_opt = NULL; int s_prim = 0; char * o_drv = NULL; char * o_dev = NULL; char * o_opts = NULL; int o_prim = 0; int o_count = 0; char * sock_grp = ROAR_DEFAULT_SOCKGRP; char * sock_user = NULL; int sock_type = ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN; char * chrootdir = NULL; int setids = 0; char * env_roar_proxy_backup; struct group * grp = NULL; struct passwd * pwd = NULL; struct servent * serv = NULL; DRIVER_USERDATA_T drvinst; struct roar_client * self = NULL; #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBDNET char decnethost[80]; #endif g_listen_socket = -1; g_standby = 0; g_autostandby = 0; alive = 1; g_no_listen = 0; sa.bits = ROAR_BITS_DEFAULT; sa.channels = ROAR_CHANNELS_DEFAULT; sa.rate = ROAR_RATE_DEFAULT; sa.codec = ROAR_CODEC_DEFAULT; g_sa = &sa; if ( getuid() != 0 && getenv("HOME") ) { snprintf(user_sock, 79, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), ROAR_DEFAULT_SOCK_USER); server = user_sock; } if ( getenv("ROAR_SERVER") != NULL ) server = getenv("ROAR_SERVER"); if ( clients_init() == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not init clients!"); return 1; } if ( streams_init() == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not init streams!"); return 1; } if ( (g_self_client = clients_new()) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not create self client!"); return 1; } if ( sources_init() == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not init sources!"); return 1; } if ( (sources_set_client(g_self_client)) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not init set source client!"); return 1; } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { k = argv[i]; if ( strcmp(k, "-h") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--help") == 0 ) { usage(); return 0; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--restart") == 0 ) { if ( restart_server(server) == -1 ) { ROAR_WARN("Can not terminate old server (not running at %s?), tring to continue anyway", server); } } else if ( strcmp(k, "--demon") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--daemon") == 0 ) { daemon = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--terminate") == 0 ) { g_terminate = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--sysclocksync") == 0 ) { sysclocksync = 1000; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--realtime") == 0 ) { realtime++; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--chroot") == 0 ) { chrootdir = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--setgid") == 0 ) { setids |= R_SETGID; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--setuid") == 0 ) { setids |= R_SETUID; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--list-cf") == 0 ) { print_codecfilterlist(); return 0; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-R") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--rate") == 0 ) { sa.rate = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( strcmp(k, "-B") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--bits") == 0 ) { sa.bits = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( strcmp(k, "-C") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--chans") == 0 ) { sa.channels = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if ( strcmp(k, "-d") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--driver") == 0 ) { driver = argv[++i]; if ( strcmp(driver, "list") == 0 ) { ROAR_WARN("The option is obsolete, use --list-driver!"); print_driverlist(); return 0; } } else if ( strcmp(k, "-D") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--device") == 0 ) { device = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-dO") == 0 ) { opts = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--list-driver") == 0 ) { print_driverlist(); return 0; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-o") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--odriver") == 0 ) { o_drv = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-O") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--odevice") == 0 ) { o_dev = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-oO") == 0 ) { o_opts = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-oP") == 0 ) { o_prim = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-oN") == 0 ) { if ( add_output(o_drv, o_dev, o_opts, o_prim, o_count) != -1 ) o_count++; o_drv = o_dev = o_opts = NULL; o_prim = 0; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-s") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--source") == 0 ) { s_drv = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-S") == 0 ) { s_dev = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-sO") == 0 ) { s_opt = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-sC") == 0 ) { s_con = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-sP") == 0 ) { s_prim = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-sN") == 0 ) { if ( sources_add(s_drv, s_dev, s_con, s_opt, s_prim) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("main(*): adding source '%s' via '%s' failed!", s_dev, s_drv); } s_opt = s_dev = s_con = NULL; s_drv = "cf"; s_prim = 0; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-p") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--port") == 0 ) { // This is only usefull in INET not UNIX mode. if ( *server == '/' ) server = ROAR_DEFAULT_HOST; errno = 0; if ( (port = atoi(argv[++i])) < 1 ) { if ( (serv = getservbyname(argv[i], "tcp")) == NULL ) { ROAR_ERR("Unknown service: %s: %s", argv[i], strerror(errno)); return 1; } // NOTE: we need to use ROAR_NET2HOST16() here even if s_port is of type int! ROAR_DBG("main(*): serv = {s_name='%s', s_aliases={...}, s_port=%i, s_proto='%s'}", serv->s_name, ROAR_NET2HOST16(serv->s_port), serv->s_proto); port = ROAR_NET2HOST16(serv->s_port); } } else if ( strcmp(k, "-b") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--bind") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--sock") == 0 ) { server = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-t") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--tcp") == 0 ) { if ( sock_type != ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP && sock_type != ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP6 ) sock_type = ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP; if ( *server == '/' ) server = ROAR_DEFAULT_HOST; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-4") == 0 ) { sock_type = ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP; if ( *server == '/' ) server = ROAR_DEFAULT_HOST; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-6") == 0 ) { #ifdef PF_INET6 sock_type = ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP6; if ( *server == '/' ) server = ROAR_DEFAULT_HOST; #else ROAR_ERR("No IPv6 support compiled in!"); return 1; #endif } else if ( strcmp(k, "-u") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--unix") == 0 ) { // ignore this case as it is the default behavor. sock_type = ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNIX; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-n") == 0 || strcmp(k, "--decnet") == 0 ) { #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBDNET port = ROAR_DEFAULT_NUM; strcpy(decnethost, ROAR_DEFAULT_LISTEN_OBJECT); server = decnethost; sock_type = ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_DECNET; #else ROAR_ERR("No DECnet support compiled in!"); return 1; #endif } else if ( strcmp(k, "-G") == 0 ) { sock_grp = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "-U") == 0 ) { sock_user = argv[++i]; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--no-listen") == 0 ) { *server = 0; g_terminate = 1; g_no_listen = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--client-fh") == 0 ) { if ( clients_set_fh(clients_new(), atoi(argv[++i])) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("main(*): Can not set client's fh"); return 1; } } else if ( strcmp(k, "--close-fh") == 0 ) { close(atoi(argv[++i])); } else if ( strcmp(k, "--standby") == 0 ) { g_standby = 1; } else if ( strcmp(k, "--auto-standby") == 0 ) { g_autostandby = 1; } else { usage(); return 1; } } if ( s_dev != NULL ) { if ( sources_add(s_drv, s_dev, s_con, s_opt, s_prim) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("main(*): adding source '%s' via '%s' failed!", s_dev, s_drv); } } add_output(o_drv, o_dev, o_opts, o_prim, o_count); ROAR_DBG("Server config: rate=%i, bits=%i, chans=%i", sa.rate, sa.bits, sa.channels); if ( midi_init() == -1 ) ROAR_ERR("Can not initialize MIDI subsystem"); if ( *server != 0 ) { if ( (g_listen_socket = roar_socket_listen(sock_type, server, port)) == -1 ) { if ( *server == '/' ) { if ( (env_roar_proxy_backup = getenv("ROAR_PROXY")) != NULL ) { env_roar_proxy_backup = strdup(env_roar_proxy_backup); unsetenv("ROAR_PROXY"); } if ( (i = roar_socket_connect(server, port)) != -1 ) { close(i); ROAR_ERR("Can not open listen socket!"); return 1; } else { unlink(server); if ( (g_listen_socket = roar_socket_listen(sock_type, server, port)) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not open listen socket!"); return 1; } } if ( env_roar_proxy_backup != NULL ) { setenv("ROAR_PROXY", env_roar_proxy_backup, 0); free(env_roar_proxy_backup); } } else { ROAR_ERR("Can not open listen socket!"); return 1; } } if ( (grp = getgrnam(sock_grp)) == NULL ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not get GID for group %s: %s", sock_grp, strerror(errno)); } if ( sock_user || (setids & R_SETUID) ) { if ( (pwd = getpwnam(sock_user)) == NULL ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not get UID for user %s: %s", sock_user, strerror(errno)); } } if ( *server == '/' ) { if ( grp ) { if ( pwd ) { chown(server, pwd->pw_uid, grp->gr_gid); } else { chown(server, -1, grp->gr_gid); } if ( getuid() == 0 ) chmod(server, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP); } } } if ( output_buffer_init(&sa) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not init output buffer!"); return 1; } if ( driver == NULL ) { driver = "null"; } else { ROAR_WARN("Usage of old driver interface. use -o not -d!"); } if ( driver_open(&drvinst, &drvid, driver, device, &sa) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not open output driver!"); return 1; } if ( samples_init() == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not init samples!"); return 1; } signal(SIGINT, on_sig_int); signal(SIGCHLD, on_sig_chld); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // ignore broken pipes if ( realtime ) { #ifdef DEBUG ROAR_WARN("compiled with -DDEBUG but realtime is enabled: for real realtime support compiel without -DDEBUG"); #endif errno = 0; nice(-5*realtime); // -5 for each --realtime if ( errno ) ROAR_WARN("Can not decrease nice value by 5: %s", strerror(errno)); /* #ifdef __linux__ if ( ioprio_set(IOPRIO_WHO_PROCESS, getpid(), IOPRIO_PRIO_VALUE(IOPRIO_CLASS_BE, 0)) == -1 ) ROAR_WARN("Can not set io priority: %s", strerror(errno)); #endif */ } if ( setids & R_SETGID ) { if ( setgroups(0, (const gid_t *) NULL) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not clear supplementary group IDs: %s", strerror(errno)); } if ( !grp || setgid(grp->gr_gid) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not set GroupID: %s", strerror(errno)); } } clients_set_pid(g_self_client, getpid()); clients_set_uid(g_self_client, getuid()); clients_set_gid(g_self_client, getgid()); clients_get(g_self_client, &self); if ( self == NULL ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not get self client!"); return 1; } strcpy(self->name, "RoarAudio daemon internal"); if ( daemon ) { close(ROAR_STDIN ); close(ROAR_STDOUT); close(ROAR_STDERR); setsid(); if ( fork() ) _exit(0); clients_set_pid(g_self_client, getpid()); // reset pid as it changed } if (chrootdir) { if ( chroot(chrootdir) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not chroot to %s: %s", chrootdir, strerror(errno)); return 2; } if ( chdir("/") == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not chdir to /: %s", strerror(errno)); return 2; } } if ( setids & R_SETUID ) { if ( !pwd || setuid(pwd->pw_uid) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("Can not set UserID: %s", strerror(errno)); return 3; } clients_set_uid(g_self_client, getuid()); } // start main loop... main_loop(drvid, drvinst, &sa, sysclocksync); // clean up. clean_quit_prep(); driver_close(drvinst, drvid); output_buffer_free(); return 0; } void cleanup_listen_socket (int terminate) { if ( g_listen_socket != -1 ) { close(g_listen_socket); g_listen_socket = -1; if ( *server == '/' ) unlink(server); } if ( terminate ) g_terminate = 1; } void clean_quit_prep (void) { cleanup_listen_socket(0); sources_free(); streams_free(); clients_free(); midi_cb_stop(); // stop console beep midi_free(); } void clean_quit (void) { clean_quit_prep(); // driver_close(drvinst, drvid); // output_buffer_free(); exit(0); } //ll