//plugins.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2010-2012 * * This file is part of roard a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * RoarAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "roard.h" #define MAX_PLUGINS 8 static struct _roard_plugin { struct roar_dl_lhandle * lhandle; struct roard_plugins_sched * sched; int protocols[MAX_PROTOS]; } g_plugins[MAX_PLUGINS]; static struct _roard_plugin * _pp = NULL; static int _plugins_inited = 0; static int plugin_callback(enum roar_dl_fnreg_action action, int fn, int subtype, const void * object, size_t objectlen, int version, int options, void * userdata, struct roar_dl_lhandle * lhandle); static const struct roar_dl_fnreg _plugin_callbacks = { .fn = -1, .subtype = -1, .version = -1, .callback = plugin_callback, .userdata = NULL }; static struct _roard_plugin * _find_free(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLUGINS; i++) { if ( g_plugins[i].lhandle == NULL ) { memset(&(g_plugins[i]), 0, sizeof(struct _roard_plugin)); return &(g_plugins[i]); } } return NULL; } int plugins_preinit (void) { memset(g_plugins, 0, sizeof(g_plugins)); return 0; } static void inline plugins_delete(struct _roard_plugin * plugin) { int i; if ( plugin->sched != NULL ) { if ( plugin->sched->free != NULL ) { roar_dl_context_restore(plugin->lhandle); plugin->sched->free(); roar_dl_context_store(plugin->lhandle); } } roar_dl_appsched_trigger(plugin->lhandle, ROAR_DL_APPSCHED_FREE); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROTOS; i++) { if ( plugin->protocols[i] != -1 ) { clients_unregister_proto(plugin->protocols[i]); } } roar_dl_close(plugin->lhandle); memset(plugin, 0, sizeof(struct _roard_plugin)); plugin->lhandle = NULL; } static int plugins_init_one(struct _roard_plugin * plugin) { if ( plugin == NULL ) return -1; _pp = plugin; _pp->sched = NULL; if ( roar_dl_ra_init(plugin->lhandle, NULL, NULL) == -1 ) { ROAR_WARN("plugins_init(void): Can not RA init lib at %p: %s", plugin->lhandle, roar_error2str(roar_error)); plugins_delete(plugin); return -1; } if ( plugin->sched != NULL ) { if ( plugin->sched->init != NULL ) { roar_dl_context_restore(plugin->lhandle); plugin->sched->init(); roar_dl_context_store(plugin->lhandle); } } roar_dl_appsched_trigger(plugin->lhandle, ROAR_DL_APPSCHED_INIT); _pp = NULL; return 0; } int plugins_init (void) { size_t i; if ( _plugins_inited ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_BUSY); return -1; } ROAR_DL_RFNREG(ROAR_DL_HANDLE_APPLICATION, _plugin_callbacks); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLUGINS; i++) { if ( g_plugins[i].lhandle != NULL ) { plugins_init_one(&(g_plugins[i])); } } _plugins_inited = 1; return 0; } int plugins_free (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLUGINS; i++) { if ( g_plugins[i].lhandle != NULL ) { plugins_delete(&(g_plugins[i])); } } return plugins_preinit(); } int plugins_update (void) { int ret = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLUGINS; i++) { if ( g_plugins[i].lhandle != NULL ) { if ( g_plugins[i].sched != NULL ) { if ( g_plugins[i].sched->update != NULL ) { roar_dl_context_restore(g_plugins[i].lhandle); if ( g_plugins[i].sched->update() == -1 ) ret = -1; roar_dl_context_store(g_plugins[i].lhandle); } } if ( roar_dl_appsched_trigger(g_plugins[i].lhandle, ROAR_DL_APPSCHED_UPDATE) == -1 ) if ( roar_error != ROAR_ERROR_NOENT ) ret = -1; } } return ret; } int plugins_load (const char * filename, const char * args) { struct _roard_plugin * next = _find_free(); struct roar_dl_librarypara * para; int i; if ( next == NULL ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROTOS; i++) next->protocols[i] = -1; if ( (para = roar_dl_para_new(args, NULL, ROARD_DL_APPNAME, ROARD_DL_ABIVERSION)) == NULL ) { ROAR_WARN("Can not load plugin (allocate para set): %s: %s", filename, roar_error2str(roar_error)); return -1; } next->lhandle = roar_dl_open(filename, ROAR_DL_FLAG_PLUGIN, 0 /* we delay this until plugins_init() */, para); roar_dl_para_unref(para); if ( next->lhandle == NULL ) { ROAR_ERR("plugins_load(filename='%s'): can not load plugin: %s", filename, roar_dl_errstr(NULL)); return -1; } if ( _plugins_inited ) return plugins_init_one(next); return 0; } int plugins_reg_sched(struct roard_plugins_sched * sched) { if ( _pp == NULL ) return -1; _pp->sched = sched; return 0; } int plugins_reg_proto(struct roard_proto * proto) { int i; if ( _pp == NULL ) return -1; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROTOS; i++) { if ( _pp->protocols[i] == -1 ) { _pp->protocols[i] = proto->proto; break; } } if ( i == MAX_PROTOS ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NOMEM); return -1; } return clients_register_proto(proto, _pp->lhandle); } static int plugin_callback(enum roar_dl_fnreg_action action, int fn, int subtype, const void * object, size_t objectlen, int version, int options, void * userdata, struct roar_dl_lhandle * lhandle) { ROAR_DBG("plugin_callback(action=%i, fn=%i, subtype=%i, object=%p, objectlen=%llu, version=%i, options=0x%x, userdata=%p, lhandle=%p) = ?", (int)action, fn, subtype, object, (long long unsigned int)objectlen, version, options, userdata, lhandle); switch (fn) { case ROAR_DL_FN_PROTO: if ( subtype != ROAR_DL_PROTO_SUBTYPE ) { ROAR_DBG("plugin_callback(action=%i, fn=%i, subtype=%i, object=%p, objectlen=%llu, version=%i, options=0x%x, userdata=%p, lhandle=%p) = -1 // error=TYPEMM", (int)action, fn, subtype, object, (long long unsigned int)objectlen, version, options, userdata, lhandle); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_TYPEMM); return -1; } if ( objectlen != ROAR_DL_PROTO_SIZE ) { ROAR_DBG("plugin_callback(action=%i, fn=%i, subtype=%i, object=%p, objectlen=%llu, version=%i, options=0x%x, userdata=%p, lhandle=%p) = -1 // error=BADLIB", (int)action, fn, subtype, object, (long long unsigned int)objectlen, version, options, userdata, lhandle); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_BADLIB); return -1; } if ( version != ROAR_DL_PROTO_VERSION ) { ROAR_DBG("plugin_callback(action=%i, fn=%i, subtype=%i, object=%p, objectlen=%llu, version=%i, options=0x%x, userdata=%p, lhandle=%p) = -1 // error=BADVERSION", (int)action, fn, subtype, object, (long long unsigned int)objectlen, version, options, userdata, lhandle); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_BADVERSION); return -1; } switch (action) { case ROAR_DL_FNREG: return clients_register_proto_common(object, lhandle); break; case ROAR_DL_FNUNREG: return clients_unregister_proto(((const struct roard_proto *)object)->proto); break; } break; } ROAR_DBG("plugin_callback(action=%i, fn=%i, subtype=%i, object=%p, objectlen=%llu, version=%i, options=0x%x, userdata=%p, lhandle=%p) = -1 // error=NOTSUP", (int)action, fn, subtype, object, (long long unsigned int)objectlen, version, options, userdata, lhandle); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NOTSUP); return -1; } //ll