//codecfilter_speex.c: #include "roard.h" #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBSPEEX int cf_speex_open(CODECFILTER_USERDATA_T * inst, int codec, struct roar_stream_server * info, struct roar_codecfilter * filter) { struct codecfilter_speex_inst * self = malloc(sizeof(struct codecfilter_speex_inst)); struct roar_stream * s = ROAR_STREAM(info); *inst = NULL; if (!self) return -1; self->encoder = NULL; self->decoder = NULL; self->stream = info; self->cd = NULL; self->i_rest = NULL; self->fi_rest = 0; speex_bits_init(&(self->bits)); s->info.codec = ROAR_CODEC_DEFAULT; s->info.bits = 16; // speex hardcoded s->info.channels = 1; // only mono support at the moment *inst = (void*) self; return 0; } int cf_speex_close(CODECFILTER_USERDATA_T inst) { struct codecfilter_speex_inst * self = (struct codecfilter_speex_inst *) inst; if (!self) return -1; if ( self->encoder ) speex_encoder_destroy(self->decoder); self->encoder = NULL; if ( self->decoder ) speex_decoder_destroy(self->decoder); self->decoder = NULL; speex_bits_destroy(&(self->bits)); if ( self->cd ) free(self->cd); if ( self->i_rest ) free(self->i_rest); free((void*)self); return 0; } int cf_speex_read(CODECFILTER_USERDATA_T inst, char * buf, int len) { struct codecfilter_speex_inst * self = (struct codecfilter_speex_inst *) inst; int mode; uint16_t ui; int tmp; int still_todo = len / 2 /* 16 bit */; int ret = 0; int fs2; // = self->frame_size * 2; char magic[ROAR_SPEEX_MAGIC_LEN]; ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(inst=%p, buf=%p, len=%i) = ?", inst, buf, len); if ( ! self->decoder ) { ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): no decoder, starting one!"); if ( stream_vio_s_read(self->stream, magic, ROAR_SPEEX_MAGIC_LEN) != ROAR_SPEEX_MAGIC_LEN ) return 0; if ( memcmp(magic, ROAR_SPEEX_MAGIC, ROAR_SPEEX_MAGIC_LEN) != 0 ) return -1; if ( stream_vio_s_read(self->stream, &ui, 2) != 2 ) return 0; mode = ntohs(ui); if ( mode == ROAR_SPEEX_MODE_NB ) { self->decoder = speex_decoder_init(&speex_nb_mode); } else if ( mode == ROAR_SPEEX_MODE_WB ) { self->decoder = speex_decoder_init(&speex_wb_mode); } else if ( mode == ROAR_SPEEX_MODE_UWB ) { self->decoder = speex_decoder_init(&speex_uwb_mode); } else { return 0; } tmp=1; speex_decoder_ctl(self->decoder, SPEEX_SET_ENH, &tmp); speex_decoder_ctl(self->decoder, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &(self->frame_size)); fs2 = self->frame_size * 2; ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): frame_size=%i (%i bytes)", self->frame_size, fs2); if ( !self->cd ) { self->cd = malloc(fs2); if ( !self->cd ) return 0; } if ( !self->i_rest ) { self->i_rest = malloc(fs2); if ( !self->i_rest ) return 0; } } fs2 = self->frame_size * 2; ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): Have a working decoder!"); ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): frame_size=%i (%i bytes)", self->frame_size, fs2); ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): i_rest is %i bytes after cd", ((void*)self->i_rest - (void*)self->cd)); if ( self->fi_rest ) { if ( self->fi_rest > (still_todo*2) ) { ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): using data from input rest buffer: len=%i (no need to read new data)", self->fi_rest); still_todo *= 2; // we will set this to zero one way or another, // so we don't need to care about soring a 'warong' value here. memcpy(buf, self->i_rest, still_todo); memmove(self->i_rest, self->i_rest + still_todo, self->fi_rest - still_todo); self->fi_rest -= still_todo; ret += still_todo; still_todo = 0; } else { ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): using data from input rest buffer: len=%i", self->fi_rest); memcpy(buf, self->i_rest, self->fi_rest); buf += self->fi_rest; still_todo -= self->fi_rest/2; ret += self->fi_rest; self->fi_rest = 0; } } while (still_todo) { ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): we sill need %i frames", still_todo); if ( stream_vio_s_read(self->stream, &ui, 2) != 2 ) return -1; ui = ntohs(ui); if ( ui > ROAR_SPEEX_MAX_CC ) return 0; if ( stream_vio_s_read(self->stream, self->cc, ui) != ui ) break; speex_bits_read_from(&(self->bits), self->cc, ui); speex_decode_int(self->decoder, &(self->bits), self->cd); if ( self->frame_size > still_todo ) { memcpy(buf, self->cd, still_todo*2); ret += still_todo*2; self->fi_rest = (self->frame_size - still_todo)*2; ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): self->fi_rest=%i, off=%i", self->fi_rest, still_todo*2); memcpy(self->i_rest, (self->cd)+(still_todo*2), self->fi_rest); still_todo = 0; } else { memcpy(buf, self->cd, fs2); buf += fs2; ret += fs2; still_todo -= self->frame_size; } } if ( still_todo ) { ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*): could not read all reqquested data, returning %i byte less", still_todo*2); } ROAR_DBG("cf_speex_read(*) = %i", ret); return ret; } int cf_speex_write(CODECFILTER_USERDATA_T inst, char * buf, int len) { struct codecfilter_speex_inst * self = (struct codecfilter_speex_inst *) inst; return -1; } #endif //ll