//simple.c: #include /** Create a new connection to the server */ pa_simple* pa_simple_new( const char *server, /**< Server name, or NULL for default */ const char *name, /**< A descriptive name for this client (application name, ...) */ pa_stream_direction_t dir, /**< Open this stream for recording or playback? */ const char *dev, /**< Sink (resp. source) name, or NULL for default */ const char *stream_name, /**< A descriptive name for this client (application name, song title, ...) */ const pa_sample_spec *ss, /**< The sample type to use */ const pa_channel_map *map, /**< The channel map to use, or NULL for default */ const pa_buffer_attr *attr, /**< Buffering attributes, or NULL for default */ int *error /**< A pointer where the error code is stored when the routine returns NULL. It is OK to pass NULL here. */ ) { struct roarpulse_simple * s = malloc(sizeof(struct roarpulse_simple)); int (*roarfunc)(int rate, int channels, int bits, int codec, char * server, char * name) = roar_simple_play; int codec = -1; if ( !s ) return NULL; if ( dir == PA_STREAM_PLAYBACK ) { roarfunc = roar_simple_play; } else if ( dir == PA_STREAM_RECORD ) { roarfunc = roar_simple_record; } else { free(s); return NULL; } codec = roar_codec_pulse2roar(ss->format); s->data_fh = roarfunc(ss->rate, ss->channels, 16 /* does PulseAudio support something diffrent? */, codec, (char*)server, (char*)name); return (pa_simple*) s; } /** Close and free the connection to the server. The connection objects becomes invalid when this is called. */ void pa_simple_free(pa_simple *s) { struct roarpulse_simple * ss = (struct roarpulse_simple*) s; if ( !s ) return; close(ss->data_fh); free(s); } /** Write some data to the server */ int pa_simple_write(pa_simple *s, const void*data, size_t length, int *error) { struct roarpulse_simple * ss = (struct roarpulse_simple*) s; if ( !s ) return -1; return write(ss->data_fh, (char*) data, length); } /** Wait until all data already written is played by the daemon */ int pa_simple_drain(pa_simple *s, int *error) { // struct roarpulse_simple * ss = (struct roarpulse_simple*) s; if ( !s ) return -1; pa_simple_flush(s, NULL); return -1; } /** Read some data from the server */ int pa_simple_read(pa_simple *s, void*data, size_t length, int *error) { struct roarpulse_simple * ss = (struct roarpulse_simple*) s; if ( !s ) return -1; return read(ss->data_fh, data, length); } /** Return the playback latency. \since 0.5 */ pa_usec_t pa_simple_get_latency(pa_simple *s, int *error) { struct roarpulse_simple * ss = (struct roarpulse_simple*) s; if ( !s ) return -1; return -1; } /** Flush the playback buffer. \since 0.5 */ int pa_simple_flush(pa_simple *s, int *error) { struct roarpulse_simple * ss = (struct roarpulse_simple*) s; if ( !s ) return -1; return fdatasync(ss->data_fh); } //ll