//notify.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2010 * * This file is part of libroar a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * libroar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * NOTE for everyone want's to change something and send patches: * read README and HACKING! There a addition information on * the license of this document you need to read before you send * any patches. * * NOTE for uses of non-GPL (LGPL,...) software using libesd, libartsc * or libpulse*: * The libs libroaresd, libroararts and libroarpulse link this lib * and are therefore GPL. Because of this it may be illigal to use * them with any software that uses libesd, libartsc or libpulse*. */ #include "libroar.h" struct roar_subscriber { uint32_t flags; uint32_t event; int emitter; int target; int target_type; void (*cb)(struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_event * event, void * userdata); void * userdata; size_t refc; unsigned int hash; // struct roar_subscriber * prev; struct roar_subscriber * next; }; struct roar_notify_core { size_t refc; size_t listc; struct roar_subscriber ** lists; void (*proxy)(struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_event * event, void * userdata); void * proxy_userdata; }; #define _CKRCORE(ret) if ( core == NULL ) { roar_errno = ROAR_ERROR_INVAL; return (ret); } #define _CKICORE() _CKRCORE(-1) static unsigned int _hash_event (struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_event * event) { unsigned int hash = 0; unsigned int mask = core->listc - 1; hash ^= event->event >> 0; hash ^= event->event >> 8; hash ^= event->event >> 16; hash ^= event->event >> 24; return hash & mask; } struct roar_notify_core * roar_notify_core_new(ssize_t lists) { struct roar_notify_core * core = NULL; switch (lists) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: // they all are ok. break; case -1: // handle defult: lists = 16; break; default: roar_errno = ROAR_ERROR_INVAL; return NULL; break; } if ( (core = roar_mm_malloc(sizeof(struct roar_notify_core))) == NULL ) { return NULL; } memset(core, 0, sizeof(struct roar_notify_core)); core->refc = 1; core->listc = lists; core->lists = roar_mm_malloc(lists*sizeof(struct roar_subscriber *)); core->proxy = NULL; core->proxy_userdata = NULL; if ( core->lists == NULL ) { roar_mm_free(core); return NULL; } memset(core->lists, 0, lists*sizeof(struct roar_subscriber *)); return core; } int roar_notify_core_ref(struct roar_notify_core * core) { _CKICORE(); core->refc++; return 0; } int roar_notify_core_unref(struct roar_notify_core * core) { struct roar_subscriber * cur, * next; size_t i; _CKICORE(); if ( core->refc == 0 ) { ROAR_ERR("roar_notify_core_unref(core=%p): refc is zero, must be greater zero. resolving by setting to one.", core); core->refc = 1; } core->refc--; if ( core->refc > 0 ) { return 0; } for (i = 0; i < core->listc; i++) { cur = core->lists[i]; while (cur != NULL) { next = cur->next; roar_mm_free(cur); cur = next; } } roar_mm_free(core->lists); roar_mm_free(core); return 0; } int roar_notify_core_register_proxy(struct roar_notify_core * core, void (*cb)(struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_event * event, void * userdata), void * userdata) { _CKICORE(); core->proxy = cb; core->proxy_userdata = userdata; return 0; } struct roar_subscriber * roar_notify_core_subscribe(struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_event * event, void (*cb)(struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_event * event, void * userdata), void * userdata) { struct roar_subscriber * subs = NULL; struct roar_subscriber * cur, * old; ROAR_DBG("roar_notify_core_subscribe(core=%p, event=%p, cb=%p, userdata=%p) = ?", core, event, cb, userdata); _CKRCORE(NULL); if ( event == NULL || cb == NULL ) { ROAR_DBG("roar_notify_core_subscribe(core=%p, event=%p, cb=%p, userdata=%p) = NULL // errno = EINVAL", core, event, cb, userdata); roar_errno = ROAR_ERROR_INVAL; return NULL; } if ( (subs = roar_mm_malloc(sizeof(struct roar_subscriber))) == NULL ) { ROAR_DBG("roar_notify_core_subscribe(core=%p, event=%p, cb=%p, userdata=%p) = NULL // errno = ENOMEM?", core, event, cb, userdata); return NULL; } memset(subs, 0, sizeof(struct roar_subscriber)); subs->flags = 0; subs->event = event->event; subs->emitter = event->emitter; subs->target = event->target; subs->target_type = event->target_type; subs->cb = cb; subs->userdata = userdata; subs->refc = 1; subs->hash = _hash_event(core, event); subs->next = NULL; if ( (cur = core->lists[subs->hash]) == NULL ) { core->lists[subs->hash] = subs; } else { old = cur; while (cur != NULL) { old = cur; cur = cur->next; } old->next = subs; } ROAR_DBG("roar_notify_core_subscribe(core=%p, event=%p, cb=%p, userdata=%p) = %p", core, event, cb, userdata, subs); return subs; } int roar_notify_core_unsubscribe(struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_subscriber * subscriber) { struct roar_subscriber * cur, * old; _CKICORE(); if ( subscriber == NULL ) { roar_errno = ROAR_ERROR_INVAL; return -1; } if ( (cur = core->lists[subscriber->hash]) == subscriber ) { core->lists[subscriber->hash] = core->lists[subscriber->hash]->next; } else { old = NULL; while (cur != NULL && cur != subscriber ) { old = cur; cur = cur->next; } if ( cur != subscriber ) return -1; old->next = cur->next; roar_mm_free(cur); } return 0; } int roar_notify_core_emit(struct roar_notify_core * core, struct roar_event * event) { struct roar_subscriber * cur; _CKICORE(); if ( event == NULL ) { roar_errno = ROAR_ERROR_INVAL; return -1; } if ( core->proxy != NULL && !(event->flags & ROAR_EVENT_FLAG_PROXYEVENT) ) { core->proxy(core, event, core->proxy_userdata); } cur = core->lists[_hash_event(core, event)]; ROAR_DBG("roar_notify_core_emit(core=%p, event=%p): cur=%p", core, event, cur); while (cur != NULL) { ROAR_DBG("roar_notify_core_emit(core=%p, event=%p): cur=%p", core, event, cur); // test if we can skip this one: if ( !( (cur->event == ROAR_NOTIFY_SPECIAL || cur->event == event->event) && (cur->emitter == -1 || cur->emitter == event->emitter) && (cur->target == -1 || cur->target == event->target) && (cur->target_type == -1 || cur->target_type == event->target_type) ) ) { cur = cur->next; continue; } if ( cur->cb == NULL ) { ROAR_ERR("roar_notify_core_emit(core=%p, event=%p): cur=%p, cb is set NULL, bad.", core, event, cur); } else { cur->cb(core, event, cur->userdata); } cur = cur->next; } return 0; } //ll