//auth.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2008-2011 * * This file is part of libroar a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * libroar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * NOTE for everyone want's to change something and send patches: * read README and HACKING! There a addition information on * the license of this document you need to read before you send * any patches. * * NOTE for uses of non-GPL (LGPL,...) software using libesd, libartsc * or libpulse*: * The libs libroaresd, libroararts and libroarpulse link this lib * and are therefore GPL. Because of this it may be illegal to use * them with any software that uses libesd, libartsc or libpulse*. */ #include "libroar.h" /* How auth works: * 0) set stage to zero * 1) get server address and local node name (from uname()) * 2) look up authfile/authdb/authservice for the server+local address + stage. * if no data was found send NONE-Auth. * 3) send data to server * 4) read answer from server * 5) if stage of server response is non-zero increment stage to server stage+1 * and repeat from step 2) * 6) check if we got an OK or an ERROR, return correct value */ /* The protocol: * Auth request: * Byte 0: auth type * Byte 1: stage * Byte 2: reserved (must be zero) * Byte 3: reserved (must be zero) * Byte 4-end: auth type depending data. * * If no data is to be send bytes 2 and 3 can be omitted. * If no data is to be send and stage is zero bytes 1, 2 and 3 can be omitted. * * Auth response: * The same as the auth request. * if the server sends an zero size message back it means the server accepted our connection * and no additional stage is needed. * if the message type is OK the server accepted our auth. * if the message type is ERROR the server rejected us. we may try other auth methods. * if the server accepted our data and the stage is non-zero we need to continue with the next * stage of the auth. * if the server rejected us the auth type value of the response is a suggested next auth type * we should try if possible. This may help the client to find a working auth type. */ /* The protocol by auth type: * * --- NONE: * No data is send, the server accepts the connect or rejects it depending on some * magic within the server. we do not care about this. * The data block is not used. * * --- COOKIE: * We send cookies for all stages the server ask us to provide a cookie. * if a cookie is wrong the server rejects us or asks us for another. * The cookie is send as binary data in the data block. * * --- TRUST: * We ask the server to auth us based on our UID/GID/PID. * The server may reject this because we are not allowed or because it is not * supported by the transport. * If we get rejected we may try to continue with IDENT then RHOST before we use NONE. * The data block is not used. * * --- PASSWORD: * This is technically the same as COOKIE just that the cookie is limited to * printable ASCII chars and that the user should be asked to provide the password. * This may be done via a GUI popup window. * * --- SYSUSER: * We provide a Username + Password for a system user. * The data block contains of two main parts: * The first part is a one byte long subtype. * The value must be 0x01 for username+password. * future versions may define other types. * the second part is the actual data block. * for username+password it is splited into two fields, both terminated with \0. * the first is the username the last one the password as clear text. * Example: char data[] = "\001MyUser\0MyPassword\0"; * * --- OPENPGP_SIGN: * * --- OPENPGP_ENCRYPT: * * --- OPENPGP_AUTH: * * --- KERBEROS: * We use Kerberos to auth. * * --- RHOST: * The server is asked to auth us based on our source address. * The data block is not used. * * --- XAUTH: * We send an X11 Cookie. * * --- IDENT: * The server is asked to auth us based on our source address using the IDENT protocol. * The data block is not used. * */ static int roar_auth_ask_server (struct roar_connection * con, struct roar_auth_message * authmes) { struct roar_error_frame error_frame; struct roar_message mes; char * header = mes.data; int ret; memset(&mes, 0, sizeof(struct roar_message)); // make valgrind happy! mes.cmd = ROAR_CMD_AUTH; mes.datalen = 4; header[0] = authmes->type; header[1] = authmes->stage; header[2] = authmes->reserved.c[0]; header[3] = authmes->reserved.c[1]; if ( (ret = roar_req(con, &mes, NULL)) == -1 ) { authmes->type = -1; return -1; } if ( mes.cmd != ROAR_CMD_OK ) { ret = -1; if ( roar_err_parsemsg(&mes, &error_frame) == -1 ) { authmes->type = -1; return -1; } header = error_frame.data; mes.datalen = error_frame.datalen; } if ( mes.datalen < 4 ) { memset(header+mes.datalen, 0, 4-mes.datalen); authmes->type = -1; } else { authmes->type = header[0]; } authmes->stage = header[1]; authmes->reserved.c[0] = header[2]; authmes->reserved.c[1] = header[3]; return ret; } static void roar_auth_mes_init(struct roar_auth_message * authmes, int type) { memset(authmes, 0, sizeof(struct roar_auth_message)); authmes->type = type; authmes->stage = 0; authmes->data = NULL; authmes->len = 0; } static int try_password (struct roar_connection * con, int * next) { struct roar_message mes; struct roar_auth_message authmes; char * pw; // TODO: add support for *next. roar_auth_mes_init(&authmes, ROAR_AUTH_T_PASSWORD); if ( roar_passwd_simple_ask_pw(&pw, "Password for RoarAudio Server?", NULL) == -1 ) { return -1; } authmes.len = strlen(pw); if ( roar_auth_init_mes(&mes, &authmes) == -1 ) { roar_mm_free(pw); return -1; } // do not use strcpy() because that would copy \0, too. memcpy(authmes.data, pw, authmes.len); roar_mm_free(pw); if ( roar_req(con, &mes, NULL) == -1 ) return -1; if ( mes.cmd != ROAR_CMD_OK ) return -1; if ( roar_auth_from_mes(&authmes, &mes, NULL) == -1 ) return -1; if ( authmes.stage == 0 ) return 0; return -1; } #define _EOL ROAR_AUTH_T_AUTO int roar_auth (struct roar_connection * con) { struct roar_auth_message authmes; int ret; int i; int cur, next; int done; int ltt[] = { ROAR_AUTH_T_TRUST, ROAR_AUTH_T_IDENT, ROAR_AUTH_T_RHOST, // ROAR_AUTH_T_PASSWORD, ROAR_AUTH_T_NONE, _EOL }; for (i = 0; ltt[i] != _EOL; i++) { next = ltt[i]; while (next != -1) { done = 1; cur = next; next = -1; switch (cur) { case ROAR_AUTH_T_PASSWORD: if ( (ret = try_password(con, &next)) == -1 ) done = 0; break; case ROAR_AUTH_T_TRUST: case ROAR_AUTH_T_IDENT: case ROAR_AUTH_T_RHOST: case ROAR_AUTH_T_NONE: roar_auth_mes_init(&authmes, ltt[i]); if ( (ret = roar_auth_ask_server(con, &authmes)) == -1 ) done = 0; next = authmes.type; break; default: /* Bad error! */ return -1; break; } if ( authmes.stage != 0 ) done = 0; if ( done ) return 0; } } return -1; } int roar_auth_from_mes(struct roar_auth_message * ames, struct roar_message * mes, void * data) { void * ibuf; char header[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; if ( ames == NULL || mes == NULL ) return -1; if ( data != NULL ) { ibuf = data; } else { ibuf = mes->data; } memset(ames, 0, sizeof(struct roar_auth_message)); memcpy(header, ibuf, mes->datalen < 4 ? mes->datalen : 4); ames->type = header[0]; ames->stage = header[1]; ames->reserved.c[0] = header[2]; ames->reserved.c[1] = header[3]; if ( mes->datalen > 4 ) { ames->data = ibuf + 4; ames->len = mes->datalen - 4; } else { ames->data = NULL; ames->len = 0; } return 0; } int roar_auth_to_mes(struct roar_message * mes, void ** data, struct roar_auth_message * ames) { char * obuf; if ( mes == NULL || ames == NULL ) return -1; if ( data != NULL ) *data = NULL; memset(mes, 0, sizeof(struct roar_message)); mes->cmd = ROAR_CMD_AUTH; if ( (ames->len + 4) > sizeof(mes->data) ) { *data = malloc(ames->len + 4); if ( *data == NULL ) return -1; obuf = *data; } else { obuf = mes->data; } obuf[0] = ames->type; obuf[1] = ames->stage; obuf[2] = ames->reserved.c[0]; obuf[3] = ames->reserved.c[1]; memcpy(obuf + 8, ames->data, ames->len); mes->datalen = ames->len + 4; return 0; } int roar_auth_init_mes(struct roar_message * mes, struct roar_auth_message * ames) { if ( mes == NULL || ames == NULL ) return -1; if ( (ames->len + 4) > sizeof(mes->data) ) return -1; memset(mes, 0, sizeof(struct roar_message)); mes->cmd = ROAR_CMD_AUTH; mes->data[0] = ames->type; mes->data[1] = ames->stage; mes->data[2] = ames->reserved.c[0]; mes->data[3] = ames->reserved.c[1]; ames->data = &(mes->data[4]); mes->datalen = ames->len + 4; return 0; } // String functions: static struct { int type; const char * name; } _g_authts[] = { // grep ^'#define ROAR_AUTH_T_' auth.h | while read d t d; do n=$(cut -d_ -f4 <<<$t | tr A-Z a-z); printf ' {%-28s %-10s},\n' $t, \"$n\"; done {ROAR_AUTH_T_NONE, "none" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_COOKIE, "cookie" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_TRUST, "trust" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_PASSWORD, "password"}, {ROAR_AUTH_T_SYSUSER, "sysuser" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_OPENPGP_SIGN, "openpgp" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_OPENPGP_ENCRYPT, "openpgp" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_OPENPGP_AUTH, "openpgp" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_KERBEROS, "kerberos"}, {ROAR_AUTH_T_RHOST, "rhost" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_XAUTH, "xauth" }, {ROAR_AUTH_T_IDENT, "ident" }, {-1, NULL} }; int roar_str2autht(const char * str) { int i; for (i = 0; _g_authts[i].name != NULL; i++) if ( !strcasecmp(_g_authts[i].name, str) ) return _g_authts[i].type; return -1; } const char * roar_autht2str(const int auth) { int i; for (i = 0; _g_authts[i].name != NULL; i++) if ( _g_authts[i].type == auth ) return _g_authts[i].name; return "(UNKNOWN)"; } //ll