Custom Query (257 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#25 fixed Implement SINGLE_SINK Flag ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

The single_sink flag allows any stream connected to the mixer to tell the mixer they require the mixer to only output to a single sink. This disables TRHU and MONITOR streams and limits OUTPUT streams to exactly one.

This is considered weak DRM.

#27 fixed configure --help should print possible values for wildcard options ph3-der-loewe

configure --help currently only prints infos on the options itself but not about possible values.

Those information may be extracted at runtime directly out of the script itself. The following command lion shows a short not yet fully working example for this and the --no-* option:

$ grep test_lib_defmake configure | awk '{print $5}' | sort | uniq

#28 fixed configure script does not convert user input (args) correctly ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

The current configure script converts names of libraries, headers and such into a internal format (basically changing special chars to underscore). This is not (fully?) done for arguments passed by the user.

Example: To disable libpulse-simple you need to pass --no-pulse_simple not --no-pulse-simple as user may expect.

There should be a central point within the script which does the converting which is called on all locations converting is needed.

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