Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 257)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#279 fixed muroar_connect() allows connection to ~/.roar when $HOME is not set correctly ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

muroar_connect() allows to connect to ~/.roar even when $HOME is not set correctly.

The following errors are in the code:

  • A heading slash is enforced
  • When $HOME is not set it tries to connect to "/(null)/.roar"
  • When $HOME is too long to fit into the buffer it is truncated. This results in a security problem because an attacker may alter $HOME in a way letting µRoar connect to an existing server. This is mostly important for restricted environments like sudo, su, ssh when parts of the env is passed while other is rejected.
  • May connect to "/invalid" if snprintf() fails (very unlikely).

Some notes:

  • It supported to set the server via $ROAR_SERVER. This does not conflict with the statement above as it may be one of those rejected env variables.
  • No buffer overflow was found allowing remote code or data injection. This is why I set it only to "major" not "critical".
#278 fixed roard's protocol support should be removed from plugin interface ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

Support for roard's own protocol stack for plugins should be removed. It should be replaced by the common protocol interface (See #257).

Steps to be done:

  • Announce the removal.
  • Convert all plugins within the RoarAudio project's domain to the new interface.
  • Remove support.

Other important stuff:

  • The actual removal should not happen before two releases after the release in which #257 was closed.
  • The current stack allows accessing roard's listen socket object. There should be an interface for this if needed.
  • A warning should be generated when this feature is used.
#277 fixed roard sched support for plugins should be removed ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe

roard's sched support should be removed. roard supports the successor AppSched? (which does support the same as roard's sched but more).

The plugin API of roard needs a ABI version change. This should also be announced before the removal so plugin writers can migrate.

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