Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#296 Fix stdvios access and re-enable RTLD_DEEPBIND in roardl. ph3-der-loewe task medium current

Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#366 Removal of OpenSSL support task medium current
#287 struct roar_message needs to be re-ordered enhancement wishlist current
#234 struct roar_dl_librarypara should be updated enhancement wishlist current
#231 ROAR_DL_FN_MAX should be increased task wishlist current
#229 roar_vio_write() should take a const buffer pointer task medium current
#228 libroar's error state should be abled to store host application's error values as well enhancement wishlist current
#208 connection object needs to be upgraded enhancement minor current
#138 roarfilt(1) should be converted to VS API task medium current
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