Custom Query (6 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#90 Some functions does not set error var correctly themaister defect major 0.4beta2 14 years
#96 roar_vs_iterate() should return -1 on a nonblocking iterate if it fails to write. themaister enhancement medium 0.4beta2 14 years
#97 roar_vs_latency() should have an interpolating mode ph3-der-loewe enhancement medium current 14 years
#98 ROAR_VS_BACKEND_DEFAULT should have a distinct value and library should choose best backend at runtime ph3-der-loewe enhancement medium 0.4beta2 14 years
#99 roar_vs_position() and roar_vs_latency() should support non-symbolic backends ph3-der-loewe defect medium 0.4beta2 14 years
#121 There should be a managed latency control for VS API ph3-der-loewe enhancement medium 0.4beta3 13 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.