Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#96 themaister themaister fixed roar_vs_iterate() should return -1 on a nonblocking iterate if it fails to write.

Basically what the title says. If roar_vs_iterate() fails to write anything when not blocking, it should return -1 with error set accordingly.

#97 ph3-der-loewe themaister fixed roar_vs_latency() should have an interpolating mode

When calling roar_vs_latency() a lot (video players typically), there needs to be a way to avoid going over the network to determine this. I suggest that roar_vs_latency() should have a mode where it returns latency immediately using some kind of calculation. Implementation details should be discussed.

#98 ph3-der-loewe ph3-der-loewe fixed ROAR_VS_BACKEND_DEFAULT should have a distinct value and library should choose best backend at runtime

ROAR_VS_BACKEND_DEFAULT should have a distinct value and library should choose best backend at runtime. This will help in following cases:

  • Server does not support some mode, so we can fallback to some other mode,
  • We switch algos, like _FIRST -> _MEAN.
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