Custom Query (257 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 257)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#312 ph3-der-loewe fixed rpld should support server infos just like the RA protocol

The RA protocol supports to report informations about the location, description and some more server meta data. This should also be supported by rpld. The support could be designed similar or identical to the one in the RA protocol. This will also need a new command to be created. It should be called SERVERINFO just like on the RA protocol to avoid confusion.

It would also be very cool if rpld could copy those infos from a running RA server. This will help the development of embedded systems.

#319 ph3-der-loewe stephanj fixed Allow Multiple URLs for a Entry/PLE

Please allow multiple URLs for a Entry and maybe an attribute for selecting the Mechanism/Algo? with that the selection is performed from the list.

#324 ph3-der-loewe stephanj fixed Romie show RoarAudio/RPLD Serverinfo/Romie Config on the UI

I would suggest showing the Version numbers on the Menu and the Complete Info on a Separate Page for debug purposes.

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