.\" roard.1: .TH "roarctl" "1" "July 2008" "RoarAudio" "System Manager's Manual: roard" .SH NAME roarctl \- RoarAudio sound server controll tool .SH SYNOPSIS roarcat [OPTIONS]... COMMAND [OPTS] [COMMAND [OPTS] [COMMAND [OPTS] [...]]] .SH "DESCRIPTION" This tool controlls the RoarAudio's sound server. This is done by sending commands to the server. See \fBCOMMANDS\fR for a list. .SH "GENERAL OPTIONS" .TP \fB--help\fR Print some help text. .SH "NETWORK OPTIONS" .TP \fB--server SERVER\fR The server to connect to .SH "COMMANDS" .TP \fBhelp\fR Same as \fB--help\fR. .TP \fBstandby\fR, \fBoff\fR, \fBresume\fR, \fBon\fR .TP \fBstandbymode\fR .TP \fBexit\fR .TP \fBvolume\fR .TP \fBkick\fR .TP \fBserveroinfo\fR .TP \fBlistclients\fR .TP \fBliststreams\fR .TP \fBallinfo\fR Same as "\fBserveroinfo\fR \fBlistclients\fR \fBliststreams\fR". .SH "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" Bellow only the basic environment varibales are listend. For a complete list see \fBlibroar\fR(7). .TP \fBHOME\fR The users home directory. .TP \fBROAR_SERVER\fR The address of the listening server. This may be in form of host:port for TCP/IP connections and /path/to/sock for UNIX Domain Sockets. This is the same as the \fB--server\fR option. .SH "BUGS" There are a lot of bugs... .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBroarvorbis\fR(1), \fBroarfish\fR(1), \fBroarbaseclients\fR(1), \fBroartestclients\fR(1), \fBlibroar\fR(7), \fBRoarAudio\fR(7). .SH "HISTORY" For history information see \fBRoarAudio\fR(7). .\" ll