Changeset 5879:d014ed05a65f in roaraudio for include/libroar

01/25/13 03:17:45 (11 years ago)

added more services infos, yet they are not offical

1 edited


  • include/libroar/services.h

    r5836 r5879  
    3939#include "libroar.h" 
     41enum roar_service_num { 
     42 // Error value in case any function returns this type. 
     43 // roar_error must be set on return. 
     44 ROAR_SERVICE_NUM_ERROR   = -1, 
     46 // reserved for future use. 
     49 // current number of objects. 
     52 // minumum number of objects. Optional. 
     55 // maximum number of objects. Optional. 
     58 // average number of objects. Optional. 
     61 // Hint for buffer size used to list(). list() can still return 'buffer to short'. 
    4166// clients: 
    4267struct roar_client; 
    4368struct roar_service_clients { 
     69 // get list of client IDs. 
     70 // buffer is passed as ids, buffer size (in elements) is passed as len. 
     71 // returns the number of elements stored in ids or -1 on error. 
    4472 ssize_t (*list)(int * ids, size_t len); 
    45  ssize_t (*num)(void); 
     73 // get the number of clients. See also comments above on what. 
     74 ssize_t (*num)(enum roar_service_num what); 
     75 // get a client by ID. The object returned is a copy and must not be motified. 
    4676 int (*get)(int id, struct roar_client * client); 
    47  int (*kick)(int id); 
     77 // kick a client by ID. The reason for the kick is stored in error and msg. 
     78 // if msg is NULL it defaults to roar_error2str(error). 
     79 int (*kick)(int id, int error, const char * msg); 
     80 // return status of client as returned by CPI's status() callback. 
     81 int (*status)(int id); 
     83 // optional functions follow: 
     85 // set PID, UID and/or GID for client. 
     86 // if any ID is -1 the old value is not touched if clear is false. 
     87 // if clear is false IDs passed as -1 are reset to 'not set'. 
     88 // if altering IDs changes the permissions of a given client is up to the 
     89 // provider. 
     90 int (*set_ids)(int id, int clear, int pid, int uid, int gid); 
     91 // set the name of the client. 
     92 // the name is copied within this call so the bufer holding it can be freed. 
     93 int (*set_name)(int id, const char * name); 
     94 // this will change the protocol of the client. 
     95 int (*set_proto)(int id, int proto); 
     96 // this execes the stream. 
     97 // the stream must be owned by the client. 
     98 // if stream is -1 the client is execed. 
     99 // This will result in the client be completly reset to a state 
     100 // as directly after accept(). This must be followed by a call to set_proto(). 
     101 int (*exec)(int id, int stream); 
    50104// streams: 
    51105struct roar_service_streams { 
     106 // get list of stream IDs. 
     107 // buffer is passed as ids, buffer size (in elements) is passed as len. 
     108 // returns the number of elements stored in ids or -1 on error. 
    52109 ssize_t (*list)(int * ids, size_t len); 
    53  ssize_t (*num)(void); 
    54  int (*get)(int id, ...); 
    55  int (*kick)(int id); 
     110 // get the number of streams. See also comments above on what. 
     111 ssize_t (*num)(enum roar_service_num what); 
     112 // get a stream by ID. The object returned is a copy and must not be motified. 
     113 int (*get)(int id, struct roar_stream * s, struct roar_stream_info * info); 
     114 // kick a stream by ID. The reason for the kick is stored in error and msg. 
     115 // if msg is NULL it defaults to roar_error2str(error). 
     116 int (*kick)(int id, int error, const char * msg); 
     118 // optional functions follow: 
     120 // create a new stream. 
     121 // if parent is set to -1 a normal stream is created. 
     122 // if it is set to the ID of an existing stream it is created as child/virtual stream. 
     123 // if mixer is set to -1 the default mixer is used. 
     124 int (*new)(const struct roar_audio_info * info, int dir, int parent, int mixer); 
     125 // get the ID of the client owning the stream. 
     126 int (*get_client)(int id); 
     127 // set the owner of the stream. 
     128 // if the stream is already owned by a client it is moved if possible. 
     129 int (*set_client)(int id, int client); 
     130 // set role of stream. 
     131 // if role is passed as -1 the role is cleared. 
     132 int (*set_role)(int id, int role); 
     133 // alter stream flags. 
     134 int (*set_flag)(int id, uint32_t flags, int action); 
     135 // get name of stream. 
     136 // the buffer returned in *name must be freed using roar_mm_free(). 
     137 int (*get_name)(int id, char ** name); 
     138 // set name of stream. 
     139 // stream name will be copied so the buffer can be freed after this call. 
     140 // passing NULL will unset the stream name. 
     141 int (*set_name)(int id, const char * name); 
     142 // set volume and rpg settings. 
     143 // If mixer or rpg is NULL the corresponding setting is not touched. 
     144 // if both are NULL this does nothing. 
     145 int (*set_volume)(int id, const struct roar_mixer_settings * mixer, const struct roar_stream_rpg * rpg); 
    72162// prefs: 
    73163// procctl: 
     164#define ROAR_SERVICE_PROCCTL_ERROR     ((uint_least32_t)0xFFFFFFFFUL) 
     165#define ROAR_SERVICE_PROCCTL_NONE      ((uint_least32_t)0x00000000UL) 
     166#define ROAR_SERVICE_PROCCTL_ALL       ((uint_least32_t)0x7FFFFFFFUL) 
     167#define ROAR_SERVICE_PROCCTL_CONFIG    ((uint_least32_t)0x00000001UL) 
     168#define ROAR_SERVICE_PROCCTL_LOGFILE   ((uint_least32_t)0x00000002UL) 
     169#define ROAR_SERVICE_PROCCTL_PIDFILE   ((uint_least32_t)0x00000004UL) 
    74171struct roar_service_procctl { 
     172 // terminate the process. 
     173 // rv is the return POSIX return code. 
     174 // a value of zero means no error. 
     175 // a value smaller than zero is not allowed. 
     176 // all other values indicate some kind of error. 
    75177 int (*exit)(int rv); 
     179 // optional functions follow: 
     181 // restart the process. 
    76182 int (*restart)(void); 
    77  int (*reload)(int what); 
     183 // daemonize the process. 
     184 // the process is moved into background, detaching from the console. 
    78185 int (*daemonize)(void); 
    79  int (*reopen)(int what); 
     186 // reload config or other parts. See above. 
     187 int (*reload)(uint_least32_t what); 
     188 // reopen logfiles or other parts. See above. 
     189 int (*reopen)(uint_least32_t what); 
    83193struct roar_service_queue { 
    84194 ssize_t (*list)(int * ids, size_t len); 
    85  ssize_t (*num)(void); 
    86  int (*get_name)(int id, char * buf, size_t len); 
     195 ssize_t (*num)(enum roar_service_num what); 
     196 int (*get_name)(int id, char ** name); 
    87197 // status? 
    88198 int (*play)(int id); 
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