//driver_wmm.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2009-2014 * * This file is part of roard a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * RoarAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "roard.h" #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBWINMM static int _alloc_wave_headers(struct driver_wmm * self) { int bytesPerBlock = self->wavefmt.nBlockAlign * self->splPerBlock; /* int bytes = internal->blocks * (sizeof(WAVEHDR) + bytesPerBlock); */ int bytes = self->blocks * (sizeof(*self->wh) + bytesPerBlock); int res; MMRESULT mmres; self->bigbuffer = roar_mm_malloc(bytes); if (self->bigbuffer != NULL) { int i; BYTE * b; memset(self->bigbuffer,0,bytes); self->wh = self->bigbuffer; self->spl = (LPBYTE) (self->wh+self->blocks); for (i=0, b=self->spl; iblocks; ++i, b+=bytesPerBlock) { self->wh[i].data = b; self->wh[i].wh.lpData = self->wh[i].data; self->wh[i].length = bytesPerBlock; self->wh[i].wh.dwBufferLength = self->wh[i].length; self->wh[i].wh.dwUser = (DWORD_PTR)self; mmres = waveOutPrepareHeader(self->hwo, &self->wh[i].wh,sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR != mmres) { break; } } if (iblocks) { while (--i >= 0) { waveOutUnprepareHeader(self->hwo, &self->wh[i].wh,sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } roar_mm_free(self->bigbuffer); self->wh = 0; self->spl = 0; self->bigbuffer = 0; } else { /* all ok ! */ } } res = (self->bigbuffer != NULL); return res; } static int _get_free_block(struct driver_wmm * self); static int _wait_wave_headers(struct driver_wmm * self, int wait_all) { int res = 1; while (self->sent_blocks > 0) { int n; _get_free_block(self); n = self->sent_blocks; if (n > 0) { unsigned int ms = (self->msPerBlock>>1)+1; if (wait_all) ms *= n; Sleep(ms); } } res &= !self->sent_blocks; return res; } static int _get_free_block(struct driver_wmm * self) { const int idx = self->widx; int ridx = self->ridx; while (self->wh[ridx].sent && !!(self->wh[ridx].wh.dwFlags & WHDR_DONE)) { /* block successfully sent to hardware, release it */ /*debug("_ao_get_free_block: release block %d\n",ridx);*/ self->wh[ridx].sent = 0; self->wh[ridx].wh.dwFlags &= ~WHDR_DONE; --self->full_blocks; if (self->full_blocks<0) { self->full_blocks = 0; } --self->sent_blocks; if (self->sent_blocks<0) { self->sent_blocks = 0; } if (++ridx >= self->blocks) ridx = 0; } self->ridx = ridx; return self->wh[idx].sent ? -1 : idx; } static int _free_wave_headers(struct driver_wmm * self) { MMRESULT mmres; int res = 1; if (self->wh) { int i; /* Reset so we dont need to wait ... Just a satefy net * since _ao_wait_wave_headers() has been called once before. */ mmres = waveOutReset(self->hwo); /* Wait again to be sure reseted waveheaders has been released. */ _wait_wave_headers(self, 0); for (i=self->blocks; --i>=0; ) { mmres = waveOutUnprepareHeader(self->hwo, &self->wh[i].wh,sizeof(WAVEHDR)); res &= mmres == MMSYSERR_NOERROR; } self->wh = 0; self->spl = 0; } return res; } /* Send a block to audio hardware */ static int _send_block(struct driver_wmm * self, const int idx) { MMRESULT mmres; /* Satanity checks */ if (self->wh[idx].sent) { return 0; } if (!!(self->wh[idx].wh.dwFlags & WHDR_DONE)) { return 0; } /* count <= 0, just pretend it's been sent */ if (self->wh[idx].count <= 0) { self->wh[idx].sent = 2; /* set with 2 so we can track these special cases */ self->wh[idx].wh.dwFlags |= WHDR_DONE; ++self->sent_blocks; return 1; } self->wh[idx].wh.dwBufferLength = self->wh[idx].count; self->wh[idx].count = 0; mmres = waveOutWrite(self->hwo, &self->wh[idx].wh, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); self->wh[idx].sent = (mmres == MMSYSERR_NOERROR); /*&& !(internal->wh[idx].wh.dwFlags & WHDR_DONE);*/ self->sent_blocks += self->wh[idx].sent; return mmres == MMSYSERR_NOERROR; } int driver_wmm_open_vio(struct roar_vio_calls * inst, char * device, struct roar_audio_info * info, int fh, struct roar_stream_server * sstream) { struct driver_wmm * self; MMRESULT mmres; if ( (self = roar_mm_malloc(sizeof(struct driver_wmm))) == NULL ) return -1; memset(self, 0, sizeof(struct driver_wmm)); // VIO Setup: memset(inst, 0, sizeof(struct roar_vio_calls)); inst->flags = ROAR_VIO_FLAGS_NONE; inst->refc = 1; inst->inst = self; inst->close = driver_wmm_close_vio; inst->write = driver_wmm_write; inst->ctl = driver_dummy_ctl; info->codec = ROAR_CODEC_PCM_S_LE; self->wavefmt.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; self->wavefmt.nChannels = info->channels; self->wavefmt.wBitsPerSample = info->bits; self->wavefmt.nSamplesPerSec = info->rate; self->wavefmt.nBlockAlign = (self->wavefmt.wBitsPerSample>>3)*self->wavefmt.nChannels; self->wavefmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = self->wavefmt.nSamplesPerSec*self->wavefmt.nBlockAlign; self->wavefmt.cbSize = 0; /* $$$ later this should be optionnal parms */ self->id = WAVE_MAPPER; self->blocks = 64; self->splPerBlock = 512; self->msPerBlock = (self->splPerBlock * 1000 + info->rate - 1) / info->rate; mmres = waveOutOpen(&(self->hwo), self->id, &(self->wavefmt), (DWORD_PTR)0/* waveOutProc */, (DWORD_PTR)self, CALLBACK_NULL/* |WAVE_FORMAT_DIRECT */|WAVE_ALLOWSYNC); if ( mmres != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { driver_wmm_close_vio(inst); return -1; } // FIXME: do error checking waveOutGetID(self->hwo, &(self->id)); _alloc_wave_headers(self); self->opened = 1; ROAR_DBG("driver_wmm_open_vio(*) = 0"); return 0; } int driver_wmm_close_vio(struct roar_vio_calls * vio) { struct driver_wmm * self; if ( vio == NULL ) return -1; if ( (self = vio->inst) == NULL ) return -1; if ( self->opened ) { _wait_wave_headers(self, 1); _free_wave_headers(self); waveOutClose(self->hwo); } roar_mm_free(self); ROAR_DBG("driver_wmm_close_vio(*) = 0"); return 0; } ssize_t driver_wmm_write(struct roar_vio_calls * vio, void *buf, size_t count) { struct driver_wmm * self; ssize_t ret_ok = count; int ret = 1; ROAR_DBG("driver_wmm_write(vio=%p, buf=%p, count=%lu) = ?", vio, buf, (unsigned long)count); if ( vio == NULL ) return -1; if ( (self = vio->inst) == NULL ) return -1; if ( ! self->opened ) return -1; while(ret && count > 0) { int n; const int idx = _get_free_block(self); if (idx == -1) { /* debug("sleep %dms, rem %d bytes\n",internal->msPerBlock,num_bytes); */ Sleep(self->msPerBlock); continue; } /* Get free bytes in the block */ n = self->wh[idx].wh.dwBufferLength - self->wh[idx].count; /* debug("free in block %d : %d/%d\n", */ /* idx,n,internal->wh[idx].dwBufferLength); */ /* Get amount to copy */ if (n > (int)count) { n = count; } /* debug("copy = %d\n",n); */ /* Do copy */ CopyMemory((char*)self->wh[idx].wh.lpData + self->wh[idx].count, buf, n); /* Updates pointers and counters */ buf += n; count -= n; /* debug("rem = %d\n",num_bytes); */ self->wh[idx].count += n; /* Is this block full ? */ if (self->wh[idx].count == self->wh[idx].wh.dwBufferLength) { ++self->full_blocks; /* debug("blocks %d full, total:%d\n",internal->widx,internal->full_blocks); */ if (++self->widx == self->blocks) { self->widx = 0; } ret = _send_block(self, idx); } } ROAR_DBG("driver_wmm_write(vio=%p, buf=%p, count=%lu): ret=%i", vio, buf, (unsigned long)count, ret); /* debug("ao_wmm_play => %d rem => [%s]\n",num_bytes,ret?"success":"error"); */ return ret > -1 ? ret_ok : -1; } #endif //ll