//filter-slfi-map.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2012-2014 * * This file is part of roard a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * RoarAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include #define MAX_EVENTS 8 #define MAX_MAPS 16 enum slfi_maptype { // copy=start-end:dest MT_COPY, // swap=start:dest MT_SWAP, // inverse=start MT_INVERSE }; struct slfi_map { enum slfi_maptype mt; ssize_t src_start; ssize_t src_end; ssize_t dst_start; }; struct slfi_mapinst { uint8_t event[MAX_EVENTS][2]; size_t event_len; struct slfi_map map[MAX_MAPS]; size_t map_len; }; static struct slfi_map __parse_map(const char * type, const char * str) { struct slfi_map map = {MT_COPY, -1, -1, -1}; char * buf = roar_mm_strdup(str); char * value; char * end; if ( buf == NULL ) { ROAR_ERR("__parse_map(*): Can not allocate memory. Bad."); return map; } if ( !strcmp(type, "copy") || !strcmp(type, "move") || !strcmp(type, "mov") ) { map.mt = MT_COPY; } else if ( !strcmp(type, "swap") ) { map.mt = MT_SWAP; } else if ( !strcmp(type, "inverse") || !strcmp(type, "inv") ) { map.mt = MT_INVERSE; } else { ROAR_ERR("__parse_map(*): Unknown map type: %s", type); return map; } value = strstr(buf, ":"); if ( value != NULL ) { *value = 0; value++; map.dst_start = atoi(value); if ( map.dst_start < 0 ) map.dst_start = 0; } end = strstr(buf, "-"); if ( end != NULL ) { *end = 0; end++; } map.src_start = atoi(buf); if ( map.src_start < 0 ) map.src_start = 0; if ( end != NULL ) { map.src_end = atoi(end); if ( map.src_end < map.src_start ) map.src_end = map.src_start; } roar_mm_free(buf); if ( (map.mt == MT_COPY || map.mt == MT_INVERSE) && map.src_end == -1 ) map.src_end = map.src_start; if ( map.mt != MT_INVERSE && map.dst_start == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("__parse_map(*): Bad mapping: no destination channel(s) given."); map.src_start = -1; return map; } return map; } static int __init(struct roar_slfi_inst * inst, const struct roar_keyval * para, ssize_t paralen) { struct slfi_mapinst * self = roar_mm_malloc(sizeof(struct slfi_mapinst)); const struct roar_keyval * kv; ssize_t i; if ( self == NULL ) return -1; memset(self, 0, sizeof(*self)); inst->userdata = self; for (i = 0; i < paralen; i++) { kv = &(para[i]); if ( kv->key == NULL || kv->value == NULL ) continue; if ( !strcmp(kv->key, "event") ) { ROAR_WARN("__init(*): Can not add event: Not Supported"); /* if ( self->event_len == MAX_EVENTS ) { ROAR_WARN("__init(*): Can not add (list is full) event: %s", kv->value); continue; } self->event[self->event_len++] = roar_roardmx_str2event(kv->value); */ } else if ( !strcmp(kv->key, "copy") || !strcmp(kv->key, "move") || !strcmp(kv->key, "mov") || !strcmp(kv->key, "swap") || !strcmp(kv->key, "inverse") || !strcmp(kv->key, "inv") ) { if ( self->map_len == MAX_MAPS ) { ROAR_WARN("__init(*): Can not add (list is full) map: %s=%s", kv->key, kv->value); continue; } self->map[self->map_len++] = __parse_map(kv->key, kv->value); } else { ROAR_WARN("__init(*): Unknown parameter: %s", kv->key); } } return 0; } static int __update(struct roar_slfi_inst * inst, uint8_t * universe, ssize_t size_of_universe, int32_t usecspassed, const uint8_t * event, size_t eventlen) { struct slfi_mapinst * self = inst->userdata; const struct slfi_map * map; size_t i; ssize_t j; uint8_t tmp; (void)inst, (void)usecspassed, (void)event, (void)eventlen; for (i = 0; i < self->event_len; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (ssize_t)eventlen; j++) { if ( self->event[i][0] == event[j] ) { roar_slfi_event_add(inst, self->event[i][1]); } } } for (i = 0; i < self->map_len; i++) { map = &(self->map[i]); if ( map->src_start >= size_of_universe || map->src_end >= size_of_universe || map->dst_start >= size_of_universe ) { ROAR_WARN("__update(*): Universe too small for filter."); return 0; } if ( map->src_end != -1 && (map->dst_start + map->src_end - map->src_start) >= size_of_universe ) { ROAR_WARN("__update(*): Universe too small for filter."); return 0; } switch (map->mt) { case MT_COPY: memcpy(&(universe[map->dst_start]), &(universe[map->src_start]), map->src_end - map->src_start + 1); break; case MT_SWAP: tmp = universe[map->src_start]; universe[map->src_start] = universe[map->dst_start]; universe[map->dst_start] = tmp; break; case MT_INVERSE: for (j = map->src_start; j <= map->src_end; j++) universe[j] = 255 - universe[j]; break; } } return 0; } static const struct roar_slfi_filter filter[1] = { { .name = "map", .description = "Map SLFI filter", .flags = ROAR_SLFI_FLAG_ON_UPDATE, .init = __init, .uninit = NULL, .update = __update, .ctl = NULL } }; ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_REG_SLFI(filter); // This is the plugin control block. ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_START(filter_slfi_map) { // Here we set the name and vendor of our plugin. // If you have no Vendor ID you need to use ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_PRODUCT_NV(). ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_PRODUCT_NIV("filter-slfi-map", ROAR_VID_ROARAUDIO, ROAR_VNAME_ROARAUDIO); // This sets the version of your plugin. ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_VERSION(ROAR_VERSION_STRING); // This sets the license of your plugin. // If there is no tag for the license you use you can just // use ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_LICENSE(). ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_LICENSE_TAG(GPLv3_0); // This sets the author and contact infos. // There are several other macros to do this with other parameters. // See ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_CONTACT*() in the header or documentation. ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_CONTACT_FLNE("Philipp", "Schafft", "ph3-der-loewe", "lion@lion.leolix.org"); // This sets the description for your plugin. ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_META_DESC("This plugin maps values between channels."); // Load filters. ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_REG_FNFUNC(ROAR_DL_FN_FILTER); // This is the end of the control block. } ROAR_DL_PLUGIN_END //ll