//basic.c: /* * Copyright (C) Philipp 'ph3-der-loewe' Schafft - 2008-2013 * * This file is part of libroar a part of RoarAudio, * a cross-platform sound system for both, home and professional use. * See README for details. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * libroar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * NOTE for everyone want's to change something and send patches: * read README and HACKING! There a addition information on * the license of this document you need to read before you send * any patches. * * NOTE for uses of non-GPL (LGPL,...) software using libesd, libartsc * or libpulse*: * The libs libroaresd, libroararts and libroarpulse link this lib * and are therefore GPL. Because of this it may be illigal to use * them with any software that uses libesd, libartsc or libpulse*. */ #include "libroar.h" enum mode { NORMAL = 0, SYSTEM = 1 }; static int _connect_server(struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int type, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout); int __get_daemonimage(char ** daemonimage, enum mode * mode, const char * server) { const char * tmp = NULL; *daemonimage = NULL; *mode = NORMAL; if ( !!strncmp(server, "+fork", 5) ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_INVAL); return -1; } server += 5; if ( server[0] == '=' ) { server++; if ( server[0] == 0 ) { // no special case, we just ignore it. } else if ( server[0] == 'd' && server[1] == ':' ) { server += 2; tmp = server; *mode = NORMAL; } else if ( server[0] == '!' ) { server += 1; tmp = server; *mode = SYSTEM; } else { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_ILLSEQ); return -1; } } if ( tmp == NULL || *tmp == 0 ) tmp = roar_libroar_get_config()->daemonimage; // we keep this step to be compatible with older versions. if ( tmp == NULL || *tmp == 0 ) { tmp = roar_env_get("ROAR_DAEMONIMAGE"); if ( tmp != NULL ) { ROAR_WARN("__get_daemonimage(*): Usage of $ROAR_DAEMONIMAGE is obsolete. Use ROAR_OPTIONS=daemonimage:..."); } } if ( tmp != NULL && *tmp != 0 ) { *daemonimage = roar_mm_strdup(tmp); return 0; } *daemonimage = roar_libroar_get_path("bin-default-daemonimage", 0, NULL, NULL); if ( *daemonimage == NULL ) return -1; return 0; } #if defined(ROAR_TARGET_WIN32) #define NUM_TRIES 16 static int _start_server_win32(struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int type, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout) { enum mode mode = NORMAL; char * daemonimage = NULL; char buf[64]; int port; size_t i; int fh; int ret; int err; if ( __get_daemonimage(&daemonimage, &mode, server) == -1 ) return -1; if ( mode != NORMAL ) { roar_mm_free(daemonimage); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NOSYS); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) { port = roar_random_uint16(); if ( port < 1025 ) /* it seems on some strange systems the magic border is at 1025 not 1024. */ continue; fh = roar_socket_connect(ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP, "localhost", port); if ( fh == -1 ) break; closesocket(fh); } if ( i == NUM_TRIES ) { roar_mm_free(daemonimage); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_LOOP); return -1; } // port is the port to use. It seems to be 'free'. #if defined(_P_DETACH) #define MODE _P_DETACH #elif defined(_P_NOWAIT) #define MODE _P_NOWAIT #else #define MODE _P_NOWAITO #endif snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i", port); roar_err_clear_all(); if ( _spawnlp(MODE, daemonimage, daemonimage, "--tcp", "--bind", "localhost", "--port", buf, (const char*)NULL) < 0 ) { roar_err_update(); ROAR_ERR("_start_server_win32(server='%s', ...): Can not start server: %s: %s", server, daemonimage, roar_errorstring); roar_mm_free_noerror(daemonimage); return -1; } roar_mm_free(daemonimage); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "localhost:%i", port); // give the daemon some time to come up: roar_usleep(25000); ret = -1; for (i = 0; ret == -1 && i < NUM_TRIES; i++) { ret = _connect_server(con, buf, type, flags, timeout); if ( ret == -1 && i < NUM_TRIES ) roar_sleep(1); } if ( ret == -1 ) return -1; con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_TERMINATE; return 0; } #elif !defined(ROAR_TARGET_MICROCONTROLLER) static int _start_server_posix(struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int type, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout) { enum mode mode = NORMAL; char * daemonimage = NULL; int socks[2]; int r; char fhstr[12]; size_t len; char * bin_sh; int err; if ( __get_daemonimage(&daemonimage, &mode, server) == -1 ) return -1; len = roar_mm_strlen(daemonimage) + 9; // 9 = '+fork=' + 'X:' + '\0' con->server_name = roar_mm_malloc(len); if ( con->server_name != NULL ) { snprintf(con->server_name, len, "+fork=%s%s", mode == NORMAL ? "d:" : "!", daemonimage); } if ( socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, socks) == -1 ) { roar_err_from_errno(); roar_mm_free_noerror(daemonimage); return -1; } r = roar_fork(NULL); if ( r == -1 ) { // error! ROAR_ERR("_start_server(*): Can not fork: %s", roar_error2str(roar_error)); err = roar_error; close(socks[0]); close(socks[1]); roar_mm_free(daemonimage); roar_error = err; return -1; } else if ( r == 0 ) { // we are the child roar_watchdog_stop(); close(socks[0]); close(ROAR_STDIN ); // we do not want roard to have any standard input close(ROAR_STDOUT); // STDOUT is also not needed, so we close it, // but STDERR we keep open for error messages. snprintf(fhstr, sizeof(fhstr), "%i", socks[1]); switch (mode) { case NORMAL: execlp(daemonimage, daemonimage, "--no-listen", "--client-fh", fhstr, (_LIBROAR_GOOD_CAST char*)NULL); break; case SYSTEM: dup2(socks[1], ROAR_STDIN ); dup2(socks[1], ROAR_STDOUT); bin_sh = roar_libroar_get_path("bin-sh", 0, NULL, NULL); if ( bin_sh != NULL ) { execl(bin_sh, bin_sh, "-c", daemonimage, (_LIBROAR_GOOD_CAST char*)NULL); roar_mm_free(bin_sh); } execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", daemonimage, (_LIBROAR_GOOD_CAST char*)NULL); break; } roar_mm_free(daemonimage); // we are still alive? ROAR_ERR("_start_server(*): alive after exec(), that's bad!"); ROAR_U_EXIT(1); } else { // we are the parent close(socks[1]); roar_mm_free(daemonimage); if ( roar_vio_open_fh_socket(con->viocon, socks[0]) == -1 ) { close(socks[0]); return -1; } else { con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO; } return 0; } return -1; } #endif static int _start_server(struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int type, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout) { #if defined(ROAR_TARGET_WIN32) return _start_server_win32(con, server, type, flags, timeout); #elif !defined(ROAR_TARGET_MICROCONTROLLER) return _start_server_posix(con, server, type, flags, timeout); #else ROAR_ERR("_start_server(*): There is no UNIX Domain Socket, download a real OS."); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NOSYS); return -1; #endif } static int _connect_internal(struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int type, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout) { struct roar_libroar_config * config = roar_libroar_get_config(); struct roar_vio_calls * vio; if ( config->connect_internal != NULL ) { vio = config->connect_internal(con, server, type, flags, timeout); if ( vio == NULL ) return -1; con->viocon = vio; con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO; return 0; } roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_BADHOST); return -1; } static int _connect_server(struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int type, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout) { #if defined(ROAR_HAVE_STAT) && defined(ROAR_HAVE_H_SYS_STAT) struct stat sockstat; #endif const char * obj = NULL; char user_sock[128]; int is_decnet = 0; int port = 0; int i = 0; int fh = -1; int err; int ret; if ( con == NULL || server == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return -1; } if ( !strcmp(server, "+invalid") ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_CANCELED); return -1; } else if ( !strncmp(server, "+dstr=", 6) ) { if ( roar_vio_open_dstr_simple(con->viocon, server+6, ROAR_VIOF_READWRITE) == -1 ) return -1; con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO; con->server_name = roar_mm_strdup(server); return 0; } else if ( !strcmp(server, "+fork") || !strncmp(server, "+fork=", 6) ) { return _start_server(con, server, type, flags, timeout); } else if ( !strcmp(server, "+internal") || !strncmp(server, "+internal=", 10) ) { ret = _connect_internal(con, server, type, flags, timeout); if ( ret == 0 ) con->server_name = roar_mm_strdup(server); return ret; } strncpy(user_sock, server, sizeof(user_sock)-1); user_sock[sizeof(user_sock)-1] = 0; if ( *user_sock != '/' ) { // don't test AF_UNIX sockets for ports for (i = 0; user_sock[i] != 0; i++) { if ( user_sock[i] == ':' ) { if ( user_sock[i+1] == ':' ) { // DECnet, leave unchanged is_decnet = 1; obj = &user_sock[i+2]; break; } port = atoi(&(user_sock[i+1])); user_sock[i] = 0; break; } } } if ( is_decnet ) { if ( *user_sock == ':' ) { if ( roar_socket_get_local_nodename() != NULL ) { strncpy(user_sock, roar_socket_get_local_nodename(), sizeof(user_sock)-1); user_sock[sizeof(user_sock)-1] = 0; roar_mm_strlcat(user_sock, server, sizeof(user_sock)-1); user_sock[sizeof(user_sock)-1] = 0; obj = strstr(user_sock, "::"); obj += 2; } } if ( *obj == 0 ) { roar_mm_strlcat(user_sock, ROAR_DEFAULT_OBJECT, sizeof(user_sock)-1); user_sock[sizeof(user_sock)-1] = 0; } ROAR_DBG("roar_connect_raw(*): user_sock='%s'", user_sock); } if ( port || is_decnet ) { fh = roar_socket_connect(type, user_sock, port); // restore the original string user_sock[i] = ':'; } else { #if defined(ROAR_HAVE_STAT) && defined(ROAR_HAVE_H_SYS_STAT) if ( user_sock[0] == '/' ) { if ( stat(user_sock, &sockstat) == 0 ) { if ( S_ISCHR(sockstat.st_mode) ) { #ifdef O_NOCTTY fh = open(user_sock, O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY, 0666); #else fh = open(user_sock, O_RDWR, 0666); #endif } } } #endif if ( fh == -1 ) fh = roar_socket_connect(type, user_sock, ROAR_DEFAULT_PORT); } if ( fh == -1 ) return -1; if ( roar_vio_open_fh_socket(con->viocon, fh) == -1 ) { err = roar_error; #ifdef ROAR_TARGET_WIN32 closesocket(fh); #else close(fh); #endif roar_error = err; return -1; } else { con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO; } con->server_name = roar_mm_strdup(server); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NONE); return 0; } static int roar_connect_raw (struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout) { #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBSLP struct roar_libroar_config * config = roar_libroar_get_config(); #endif #if defined(ROAR_HAVE_UNIX) char user_sock[128]; const char * roar_server; #endif #if defined(ROAR_HAVE_LIBSLP) || !defined(ROAR_TARGET_MICROCONTROLLER) int i = 0; #endif #if !defined(ROAR_TARGET_WIN32) && !defined(ROAR_TARGET_MICROCONTROLLER) struct passwd * pwd; char * sysconf_roarserver; #endif #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBDNET struct stat decnet_stat; #endif #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBX11 struct roar_x11_connection * x11con; #endif #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBSLP struct roar_server * list; int workarounds_store; #endif roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_UNKNOWN); if ( timeout != 0 ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_INVAL); return -1; } if ( flags & ROAR_ENUM_FLAG_HARDNONBLOCK ) flags |= ROAR_ENUM_FLAG_NONBLOCK; if ( server == NULL || *server == 0 ) server = roar_libroar_get_server(); if ( server == NULL || *server == 0 ) server = roar_env_get("ROAR_SERVER"); #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBX11 if ( server == NULL || *server == 0 ) { if ( (x11con = roar_x11_connect(NULL)) != NULL ) { server = roar_x11_get_prop(x11con, "ROAR_SERVER"); roar_x11_disconnect(x11con); } } #endif #if !defined(ROAR_TARGET_WIN32) && !defined(ROAR_TARGET_MICROCONTROLLER) sysconf_roarserver = roar_libroar_get_path("sysconf-roarserver", 0, NULL, NULL); if ( sysconf_roarserver != NULL ) { if ( (server == NULL || *server == 0) && (i = readlink(sysconf_roarserver, user_sock, sizeof(user_sock)-1)) != -1 ) { user_sock[i] = 0; server = user_sock; } roar_mm_free(sysconf_roarserver); } #endif if ( server != NULL && !strcasecmp(server, "+slp") ) { server = roar_slp_find_roard(0); if ( server == NULL ) { return -1; } } // "+default" is an alias for NULL. if ( server != NULL && !strcasecmp(server, "+default") ) { server = NULL; } if ( server == NULL || *server == 0 ) { /* connect via defaults */ #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_UNIX #ifndef ROAR_TARGET_MICROCONTROLLER roar_server = roar_env_get("HOME"); #else roar_server = NULL; #endif if ( roar_server == NULL ) { #if !defined(ROAR_TARGET_WIN32) && !defined(ROAR_TARGET_MICROCONTROLLER) if ( (pwd = getpwuid(getuid())) != NULL ) { roar_server = pwd->pw_dir; } #endif } if ( roar_server != NULL ) { snprintf(user_sock, sizeof(user_sock)-1, "%s/%s", roar_server, ROAR_DEFAULT_SOCK_USER); user_sock[sizeof(user_sock)-1] = 0; if ( _connect_server(con, user_sock, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNIX, flags, timeout) == 0 ) return 0; } if ( _connect_server(con, ROAR_DEFAULT_SOCK_GLOBAL, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNIX, flags, timeout) == 0 ) return 0; #endif if ( _connect_server(con, ROAR_DEFAULT_HOSTPORT, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP, flags, timeout) == 0 ) return 0; #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBDNET if ( stat(ROAR_PROC_NET_DECNET, &decnet_stat) == 0 ) { if ( roar_socket_get_local_nodename() ) { snprintf(user_sock, sizeof(user_sock)-1, "%s::%s", roar_socket_get_local_nodename(), ROAR_DEFAULT_OBJECT); if ( _connect_server(con, user_sock, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_DECNET, flags, timeout) == 0 ) return 0; } } #endif if ( _connect_server(con, "+abstract", ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN, flags, timeout) == 0 ) return 0; #ifdef ROAR_HAVE_LIBSLP if ( !(config->workaround.workarounds & ROAR_LIBROAR_CONFIG_WAS_NO_SLP) && !(flags & ROAR_ENUM_FLAG_NONBLOCK) && !(flags & ROAR_ENUM_FLAG_LOCALONLY) ) { if ( (server = roar_slp_find_roard(0)) != NULL ) { if ( _connect_server(con, server, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN, 0, 0) == 0 ) return 0; /* in case we can not connect to the server given this may be a cache problem, we do a new lookup with the cache disabled in this case */ ROAR_WARN("roar_connect_raw(*): Can not connect to SLP located server, disabling cache"); if ( (server = roar_slp_find_roard(1)) != NULL ) if ( _connect_server(con, server, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN, 0, 0) == 0 ) return 0; } } workarounds_store = config->workaround.workarounds; config->workaround.workarounds |= ROAR_LIBROAR_CONFIG_WAS_NO_SLP; list = roar_enum_servers(flags, -1, -1); config->workaround.workarounds = workarounds_store; if ( list != NULL ) { for (i = 0; list[i].server != NULL; i++) { if ( _connect_server(con, list[i].server, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN, 0, 0) == 0 ) { roar_enum_servers_free(list); return 0; } } roar_enum_servers_free(list); } #endif return -1; } else { /* connect via (char*)server */ if ( _connect_server(con, server, ROAR_SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN, flags, timeout) != 0 ) return -1; return 0; } roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NODEV); ROAR_DBG("roar_connect_raw(*) = -1 // error=NODEV"); return -1; } int roar_connect (struct roar_connection * con, const char * server, int flags, uint_least32_t timeout) { struct roar_libroar_config * config = roar_libroar_get_config(); if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return -1; } if ( roar_connect_none(con) == -1 ) return -1; if ( roar_connect_raw(con, server, flags | config->serverflags, timeout) == -1 ) return -1; return 0; } int roar_connect_none (struct roar_connection * con) { struct roar_libroar_config * config = roar_libroar_get_config(); if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_INVAL); return -1; } memset(con, 0, sizeof(struct roar_connection)); con->refc = 1; con->flags = ROAR_CON_FLAGS_ISCLIENT; con->version = _ROAR_MESSAGE_VERSION; con->cb_userdata = NULL; con->cb = NULL; con->server_stds = NULL; con->server_name = NULL; roar_err_init(&(con->errorframe)); con->viocon = &(con->viocon_store); // con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO; if ( config->protocolversion != -1 ) roar_set_connection_version(con, config->protocolversion); roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NONE); return 0; } int roar_connect_vio (struct roar_connection * con, struct roar_vio_calls * vio) { if ( con == NULL || vio == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_INVAL); return -1; } if ( roar_connect_none(con) == -1 ) return -1; con->viocon = vio; con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO; return -1; } int roar_connect_fh (struct roar_connection * con, int fh) { if ( con == NULL || fh == -1 ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_INVAL); return -1; } if ( roar_connect_none(con) == -1 ) return -1; // special hack to set an illegal value used internally in libroar: if ( fh == -2 ) fh = -1; if ( roar_vio_open_fh_socket(con->viocon, fh) != -1 ) { con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO; } else { return -1; } roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NONE); return 0; } int roar_get_connection_fh (struct roar_connection * con) { int fh; ROAR_DBG("roar_get_connection_fh(con=%p) = ?", con); roar_debug_warn_sysio("roar_get_connection_fh", "roar_get_connection_vio2", NULL); if ( con == NULL ) return -1; ROAR_DBG("roar_get_connection_fh(con=%p) = ?", con); if ( roar_vio_ctl(con->viocon, ROAR_VIO_CTL_GET_FH, &fh) == -1 ) { #ifdef ROAR_TARGET_WIN32 if ( roar_vio_ctl(con->viocon, ROAR_VIO_CTL_GET_SELECT_FH, &fh) == -1 ) return -1; #else return -1; #endif } ROAR_DBG("roar_get_connection_fh(con=%p) = %i", con, fh); return fh; } struct roar_vio_calls * roar_get_connection_vio2 (struct roar_connection * con) { if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return NULL; } if ( con->flags & ROAR_CON_FLAGS_VIO ) return con->viocon; // TODO: try to open the VIO. roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_BADFH); return NULL; } const char * roar_get_connection_server(struct roar_connection * con) { if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return NULL; } return con->server_name; } int roar_connectionref(struct roar_connection * con) { if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return -1; } con->refc++; return 0; } int roar_connectionunref(struct roar_connection * con) { struct roar_vio_calls * vio; struct roar_message m; if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return -1; } con->refc--; if ( con->refc ) return 0; if ( con->flags & ROAR_CON_FLAGS_TERMINATE ) { if ( roar_terminate(con, 1) == -1 ) { ROAR_WARN("roar_connectionunref(con=%p{.server_name='%s'}): Can not terminate server as requested.", con, con->server_name); if ( roar_terminate(con, 0) == -1 ) { ROAR_ERR("roar_connectionunref(con=%p{.server_name='%s'}): Can not exit server. BAD.", con, con->server_name); } } } memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.datalen = 0; m.stream = -1; m.pos = 0; m.cmd = ROAR_CMD_QUIT; roar_req(con, &m, NULL); if ( (vio = roar_get_connection_vio2(con)) != NULL ) { roar_vio_close(vio); } if ( con->server_stds != NULL ) { roar_stds_free(con->server_stds); con->server_stds = NULL; } if ( con->server_name != NULL ) { roar_mm_free(con->server_name); con->server_name = NULL; } if ( con->flags & ROAR_CON_FLAGS_FREESELF ) { roar_mm_free(con); } else { roar_connect_fh(con, -2); } return 0; } int roar_set_connection_callback(struct roar_connection * con, void (*cb)(struct roar_connection * con, struct roar_message * mes, void * data, void * userdata), void * userdata) { if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return -1; } con->cb = cb; con->cb_userdata = userdata; return 0; } int roar_set_connection_version(struct roar_connection * con, int version) { if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return -1; } if ( version == -1 ) version = _ROAR_MESSAGE_VERSION; if ( version < 0 ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_INVAL); return -1; } con->version = version; if ( version == 2 ) { con->flags |= ROAR_CON_FLAGS_SUPPORT_V2; } return 0; } int16_t roar_message_genseq(struct roar_connection * con, int is_client) { static int16_t store = 0; int16_t ret = 0; ret = store++; if ( ret == 0 ) ret = store++; if ( is_client == -1 ) { if ( con != NULL ) { is_client = con->flags & ROAR_CON_FLAGS_ISCLIENT ? 1 : 0; } } if ( is_client == -1 ) is_client = 1; ret |= 0x8000U; if ( !is_client ) ret -= 0x8000U; return ret; } int roar_sync (struct roar_connection * con) { // wait for any non-client reqs return roar_wait_msg(con, 0x0000, 0x8000); } int roar_wait_msg (struct roar_connection * con, int16_t seq, int16_t seqmask) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_NOSYS); return -1; } int roar_noop (struct roar_connection * con) { struct roar_message mes; if ( con == NULL ) { roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_FAULT); return -1; } memset(&mes, 0, sizeof(mes)); mes.cmd = ROAR_CMD_NOOP; mes.stream = -1; return roar_req3(con, &mes, NULL); } int roar_identify (struct roar_connection * con, const char * name) { struct roar_message mes; uint32_t pid; int max_len; roar_err_set(ROAR_ERROR_UNKNOWN); ROAR_DBG("roar_identify(*): try to identify myself..."); memset(&mes, 0, sizeof(mes)); mes.cmd = ROAR_CMD_IDENTIFY; mes.stream = -1; mes.pos = 0; ROAR_DBG("roar_identify(*): name=%p", name); if ( name == NULL ) name = "libroar client"; ROAR_DBG("roar_identify(*): name=%p", name); max_len = roar_mm_strlen(name); ROAR_DBG("roar_identify(*): strlen(name) = %i", max_len); if ( max_len > (LIBROAR_BUFFER_MSGDATA - 5) ) max_len = LIBROAR_BUFFER_MSGDATA - 5; mes.datalen = 5 + max_len; mes.data[0] = 1; pid = getpid(); mes.data[1] = (pid & 0xFF000000UL) >> 24; mes.data[2] = (pid & 0x00FF0000UL) >> 16; mes.data[3] = (pid & 0x0000FF00UL) >> 8; mes.data[4] = (pid & 0x000000FFUL) >> 0; ROAR_DBG("roar_identify(*): pid = %i", (int)pid); strncpy(mes.data+5, name, max_len); return roar_req3(con, &mes, NULL); } //ll