#!/bin/sh NAME='rsdplay' RNAME='roarcat' ARGS_ADD_OPTS='--codec riff_wave' ARGS_PASS_OPTS='--server:true --rate:true -B:true --bits:true' ARGS_MAP_OPTS='-s:true:--server -r:true:--rate -c:true:--chans --channels:true:--chans -f:true:"" --file:true:"" --raw:false:--codec""default' ARGS_PASS_NON_OPTS=false # TODO: -p/--port ast2roar_help -h --help <<__EOF__ roarcat (libroar) ========================================================================= Usage: rsdplay.r [ -h/--help | --raw | -r/--rate | -c/--channels | -B/--bits | -f/--file | -s/--server ] rsdplay.r reads PCM data only through stdin (default) or a file, and sends this data directly to an rsound server. Unless specified with --raw, rsdplay expects a valid WAV header to be present in the input stream. Examples: rsdplay.r -s foo.net < bar.wav cat bar.wav | rsdplay -s foo.net -p 4322 --raw -r 48000 -c 2 --raw: Enables raw PCM input. When using --raw, rsdplay will generate a fake WAV header -r/--rate: Defines input samplerate (raw PCM) Example: -r 48000. Defaults to 44100 -c/--channel: Specifies number of sound channels (raw PCM) Example: -c 1. Defaults to stereo (2) -B: Specifies sample format in raw PCM stream Supported formats are: S16LE, S16BE, U16LE, U16BE, S8, U8. -h/--help: Prints this help -f/--file: Uses file rather than stdin -s/--server: More explicit way of assigning hostname __EOF__ #ll