#!/bin/sh NAME='rsd' RNAME='roard' ARGS_PASS_OPTS='-p:true --port:true --daemon:false --verbose:false -h:false --help:false' ARGS_MAP_OPTS='-d:true:-O --device:true:-O -b:true:-o --backend:true:-o -D:false:--daemon -v:false:--verbose --debug:false:--verbose --kill:false:--stop' ARGS_PASS_NON_OPTS=false #TODO: --single #--single: Only allows a single connection at a time. ast2roar_help -h --help <<__EOF__ roard ========================================================================== Usage: rsd [ -d/--device | -b/--backend | -p/--port | -D/--daemon | -v/--verbose | --debug | -h/--help | --kill ] -d/--device: Specifies an ALSA or OSS device to use. Examples: -d hw:1,0 -d /dev/audio -b/--backend: Specifies which audio backend to use. -D/--daemon: Runs as daemon. -p/--port: Defines which port to listen on. Example: -p 18453. -v/--verbose: Enables verbosity -h/--help: Prints this help --debug: Enable more verbosity --kill: Cleanly shuts downs the running rsd process. __EOF__ #ll