#!/bin/sh NAME='artsd' RNAME='roard' ARGS_IGNORE_OPTS='-n:false -u:false -d:false' ARGS_PASS_OPTS='-h:false' ARGS_MAP_OPTS='-a:true:-o -D:true:-O -r:true:-R -b:true:-B -p:true:--port -A:false:--list-driver -v:false:--help' ARGS_PASS_NON_OPTS=true #server/network options: #-N use larger network buffers #-w increase network buffers by factor of # -> can we ignore them? #audio options: #-V [dB] set output volume #-F number of fragments #-S fragment size in bytes # -> -oO #-s auto-suspend time in seconds #-f force starting artsd (if no soundcard is there, uses the null output device) # -> -o sysclock #misc options: #-l information level # 3: quiet, 2: warnings, 1: info, 0: debug #-m application to display messages #-c application to display crash dialogs #ll